If you are the requester and you would like to communicate with agency staff about this request: Sign in. ... and grow in the face of stress and shocks, and even transform when conditions require it. Find out about meetings, request City services through OAK 311, or contact the Mayor and City Council. Due Date Changed Details Public 12/23/2020 (was 11/23/2020). Learn more about streamlining your public records request process with NextRequest. Welcome to the City of Oakland’s Open Data Platform. This will make it easier for us to track and process your request, which will result in your receiving a more prompt response: By U.S. mail: Public Records Request Coordinator, OPD Records Section, 455 7th Street, Room 306 Oakland… Timeline. Contact Us GET DEMO. COVID-19 Information The Oakland County Clerk's Office Legal/Court Records is closed to the public at this time. or. Product. Need the status of a particular records request? The official website of the City of Oakland. Call the Public Records Request Coordinator at (510) 238-7143. COVID19 Case Studies Blog Security / SOC 2. Learn. Oakland Call Center Service Request Data. Create/Find Account. Talk to … Features RapidReview. NextRequest. Contact Us. ‍ If you need technical support with NextRequest software check out the topics below to find answers to common question! Public Record Requests Port of Oakland. SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the Por... Purchasing Daria Edgerly: 20-57 08/07/2020: Bryan Cox Port of Oakland 530 Water Street Oakland, CA 94607 Re: C... Engineering Daria Edgerly: 20-56 11/06/2020: Gary Brennan This is a portal for the city of San Francisco's public records requests. You can submit public records request and search previous requests for the following departments: This web portal tracks most requests and responses with the Port of Oakland under the California Public Records Act. COVID-19 Relief: Helping governments work remotely - LEARN HOW. Only requesters are permitted to add messages about a request. As we previously discussed, the Port leases the property to the City of Oakland, which in turn subleases it to Oakland Golf. Make Request All Requests Documents. This data set shows the predicted revenues and expenses for the city over the next five years. However, the sublease rental payments (currently $37,046.58 monthly) are made to the Port, which in turn distributes 50% to the City. Find datasets from the City of Oakland. Reply to an email notification you received or contact your government agency directly. Only requesters are permitted to add messages about a request. Many public documents are already available on the Port's website (www.portofoakland.com) or in response to previous requests. Emergency procedures and orders have been issued by Oakland Circuit Court Chief Judge Shalina Kumar to protect the health and safety of the public and employees of the Circuit Court. Appointments/Notice to Callers.
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