If you enjoy mosaics this is a must-see location. This site is controlled by National Trust and it dates back to 120 AD. This famous bridge was used as part of Hadrian’s Wall and stretched for 60 meters to cross the North Tyne River. Finally, be sure to look out for the Roman masonry which has been reused in the walls of the church. It was mistakenly attributed to Agricola before the late 19th century, but in fact was the work of Hadrian. ',51.390495,-3.296065,4],['Dolaucothi Gold Mines and Luentinum Fort

Dolaucothi is though to have been the only Roman gold mine in Britannia, and would have been protected by an accompanying fort (known as Luentinum). This fort was once a maritime supply fort for Hadrian’s wall. ',55.013359,-2.330239,4],['Jewry Wall

Standing up to 8 metres high, this strikingly well preserved wall was once part of a Roman bath house. ',56.542315,-3.425578,4],['Trimontium

Built as a base for the Romans advance into Scotland, Trimontium would have at one time housed around 2000 soldiers and civilians. It has not been fully excavated yet. ',51.301696,-2.715189,4],['Chedworth Roman Villa

Although the structure of this villa dates from around AD120, it went through a dramatic extension and improvement in around AD310. Occupied between the first and fourth centuries, it is thought the fort was built by the 2nd Cohort of Gaul’s, or Cohors II Gallorum, a mounted cavalry unit recruited from the Gallic tribes of northern France. rummaging through mole hills looking for Roman remains! ',54.990351,-2.370547,4],['Temple of Mithras

During the post-war reconstruction of London, an archaeological treasure was found amongst all of the rubble and debris; the Roman Temple of Mithras. ',52.582599,1.651377,4],['Caister-on-Sea

Although nowhere near as well preserved as its neighbour Burgh Castle just a few miles away, this Saxon Shore Fort was partially excavated in the 1950s although much of the fort now lies under modern housing. Improvements were continually made to this castle fort until 1588 when a new gun battery was added. There is rich Roman history embedded in the countryside of Great Britain. ',54.738475,-2.78835,4],['Beckfoot (Bibra) Fort

Although the mighty Hadrians Wall stood as the main defensive feature protecting the northern extent of the Roman Empire in Britain, the coastline close to the Scottish border was still exposed to attack. ',54.534716,-1.670018,4],['Piercebridge Roman Fort

Piercebridge is the southernmost of the Dere Street forts, the main road linking York to Hadrians Wall and on to the Antonine Wall. Situated on the site of Bloomberg’s new European headquarters, this anticipated new cultural hub showcases the ancient temple, a selection of the remarkable Roman artefacts found during the recent excavation, and a series of contemporary art commissions … Unfortunately very little remains of the western side of the support abutments, but on the eastern side there is still considerable stonework to be seen. ',55.958827,-4.072068,4],['Bearsden Bath House

Almost all of the Roman fort at Bearsden is hidden under modern housing, although the forts bath house has been excavated and is now on public display. Today the route is still used by many major roads including the A1, although the occasional Roman milestone still remains. Over the next 400 years the fort grew into one of the largest Roman cities in the country and even, for a short time, the capital of Britain. ',55.010354,-2.005504,4],['Ham Hill

Originally an Iron Age hill fort, the Romans captured the site from the Britons in AD45. This villa was discovered when a farmhouse owner decided to run electrical lines to his barn. ',51.95674,-3.453183,4],['Highfield Barrow

This well preserved Roman barrow is at the junction of Queensway and High Street Green in Hemel Hempstead, and although not currently open to the public it can be seen from the side of the road. London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE returns the Roman Temple of Mithras to the location of its discovery in the heart of the City. Most of the route has now been incorporated into the A1, but there are still parts (namely just south of Lincoln) where the original Roman road is a public footpath. There is a Roman history museum on site that has many ancient mosaics, some dating from 2 AD. ',52.001003,-3.793191,4],['Caer Gybi, Anglesey Roman fort

Built in the 4th century AD to protect Anglesey against Irish invaders, Caer Gybi is remarkably well preserved with some parts of the original wall standing to over 4 metres in height (notably the north-western corner). Museum of London. This world-famous city was once the capital of a Celtic tribe. It was rediscovered in 1811 by a farmer. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Many famous pieces, such as the dolphin, can be viewed. At its height the amphitheatre could have seated over 8000 people. ',51.827874,-.210114,4],['Winchester City Walls

Surrounding Winchesters cathedral grounds is the old medieval city wall, with one visible section of the original Roman wall still intact. Roman villa buildings are widespread, with between 400 and 1000 examples recorded nationally. ',54.402658,-3.205454,4],['Housesteads

Built to house around 800 soldiers, Housesteads is one of a series of Hadrians Wall forts and is relatively well preserved. ',55.024889,-2.137514,4],['Chichester City Walls

A surprisingly large amount of the original Roman core remains in Chichesters city walls, although most of the visible stonework is the result of 18th century restoration. The museum also includes other collections, charting the social history, archaeology and geology of region. It is believed this was a private homestead that was the home of a very wealthy Romano-Briton. ',51.128344,1.322946,4],['Epiacum (Whitley Castle)

This peculiar lozenge shaped fort was thought to have protected Roman lead mine interests in the area, as well as acting as a support fort for nearby Hadrians Wall. Although only small parts of the fort have been excavated, there have been some fantastic finds uncovered over the centuries including the Ribchester Hoard. A coin from the period of Emperor Vespasian’s rule found at the site. Replica altars to the Roman God Jupiter Dolichenus placed back in religious shrine at Vindolanda enabling visitors to see them in their original setting for the first time in 1,800 years. Roman Ruins and York. This Roman fort was used throughout ancient times. Although now on private land, the earthwork remains of the fort are still visible from the bath house. He became emperor after the assassination of his predecessor and decided to conquer Britain because Julius Caesar had failed to do so 100 years earlier. Free and open access at any reasonable time. It is thought that the arena was rebuilt more than once, and that the remains of the current amphitheatre date from around 280AD. Excavations and reconstructions give visitors an idea about life for … If you notice a site that we’ve missed, please let us know by filling in the “Have we missed something?” form at the bottom of the page. There is still a wonderfully preserved stretch of Roman road at the site, as well as remains of a bath house with underfloor heating. Today all of the remains lay underground with only minor earthworks being visible. The Temple of Diana appears behind the tourist information office, and the colorful Los Milagros Aqueduct with its seven standing columns rising not far from a set of railroad tracks. This is the only amphitheater discovered in Britain. ',51.433554,-1.570138,4],['London Wall

From around 200 AD, the shape of London was defined by one single structure; its massive city wall. ',50.95179,-2.743535,4],['Hardknott Roman Fort

Built between AD120 and AD138 during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, Hardknott Fort (Mediobogdum) appears to have been occupied initially only briefly before being re-occupied probably in the late 2nd century. The other walls have Roman foundations although were rebuilt some time later. From the World Heritage Site of Hadrian’s Wall to the lesser known villas and amphitheatres that once dotted the land, Britain has a surprisingly large amount of Roman ruins that can still be visited today. Copyright © Historic UK Ltd. Company Registered in England No. This site boasts a number of amazing mosaics. ',55.02603,-2.294812,4],['Halton Chesters

Located at the juncture of Hadrians Wall and Dere Street lies Halton Chesters Fort (also known as Hunnum), although only earthworks can still be seen. ',54.985348,-2.523369,4],['Newport Arch / Lincoln City Wall

Newport Arch was built in the 3rd century to carry Ermine Street through the city of Lincoln and is still used by traffic today. The entire property was enclosed by a giant wall. Unfortunately the remains of the fort now lie underground although it is still possible to make out the ramparts. Camulodunum - The 'Fortress of the War God Camulos' - was the capital of Roman Britain and Britain's First City. ',55.997274,-3.867499,4],['Alabum Llandovery Roman fort

Although not much of this 1st century auxiliary fort still remains, it is possible to see some scarped slopes to the north and west of St Marys Church. The following centuries saw the site grow in size and become one of the most important towns in the area. There are also the remains of an Iron Age fort on the site. Rome decided the best plan to conquer Britain was to create city-states by offering various tribes positions of power in exchange for not fighting. ',50.672911,-1.152277,4],['Bremenium

Bremenium was once an extremely well defended Dere Street fort complete with artillery defences. There is also a museum on the site which is managed by English Heritage. var locations=[['Aldborough Roman Site

Once the capital of a Romanised tribe of native Britons, visitors today can still see two beautiful Roman mosaics as well as the remains of the town wall and a museum exploring the history of the town. St Bride’s Church was designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1672 in Fleet Street in … ',53.189325,-2.887095,4],['Chesters Bridge

This Roman bridge would have spanned the North Tyne River for some 60 metres, carrying the weight of both a military road and Hadrians Wall upon its arches. In fact, rumour has it that Housesteads boasts the best preserved Roman latrine in all of Britain! ',51.372899,.087885,4],['Cunetio

First discovered in the 1940s, Cunetio was a Roman town between the 2nd and 5th century AD. Artefacts from Moridunum excavations can be seen at the nearby museum in Abergwili. Over the next 400 years the fort grew into one of the largest Roman cities in the country and even, for a short time, the capital of Britain. ',55.601628,-2.688544,4],['Bar Hill Fort

Situated on the highest point of the Antonine Wall, the remains of Bar Hill include a bath house, granary, barracks and fort headquarters. Unfortunately not much remains of Roman Canterbury, however sections of the original city wall around the North Gate area can still be seen. This is one of the biggest Roman villas in England. Today the walls still stand up to an impressive 4 and half metres high. There are dozens of Roman Ruins in Britain and they are dotted around the country from Scotland to Wales. This villa is world famous for its mosaic of Orpheus. ',54.676421,-1.676059,4],['Brading Roman Villa

This large Roman villa and courtyard was built in the 1st century AD and despite frequent Anglo-Saxon raids and the occasional fire, remained in use until the 4th century AD. The artwork is exquisite. The Roman military headquarters still stands today and it is open to the public. Part of an ancient temple was brought from Leptis Magna to the British Museum in 1816 and installed at the Fort Belvedere royal residence in England in 1826. The fantastic wooden gateway was built in the 1970s with the same tools and equipment as would have been used by the Romans. Excavated in 1975, the public baths served the local Romano-British community between the 2nd and 5th centuries. Unfortunately when the local townspeople of Northampton came along to see the mosaic they decided to break it up and take it away as souvenirs! The woman, named Jess, sent … ',51.279636,1.078377,4],['Gabrosentum

This former fort and adjoining settlement was build during Emperor Hadrians reign and was in use until the late 4th century AD. ',55.02587,-2.13962,4],['Cirencester Roman Amphitheatre

The remains of one of the largest Roman amphitheatres ever found in Britain although unfortunately no stonework can be seen, only earthworks. ',51.819864,-1.924152,4],['Chester Roman Amphitheatre

Currently the largest amphitheatre ever found in Britain, only half of the site has actually been excavated. It now lies in part of Windsor Great Park. The villa was burned to the ground about 200 years after it was built. The remains are remarkably complete and include sculpture, coins, jewellery and the bronze head of the goddess Sulis Minerva. There is a phenomenal amount of remains still visible including an amphitheatre, baths and barracks. It was completely remodelled in 310 AD, and was transformed into a dwelling for the elite. Unless you’ve been living under a rock – or a temple – it’s likely that you’ll have heard of the famous Roman ruins of Pompeii and the ancient architectural gems of Rome. Now just a series of cropmarks, the fort was manned by the Romans until around AD 407 and was once home to the Cohors II Pannoniorum, a 500-strong infantry unit from the province of Pannonia, corresponding to present-day western Hungary and parts of eastern Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. There are also sections of the original Dere Street which have not been built on, such as at West Woodburn in Northumberland and Gilston in Scotland. Originally of turf and timber construction, the fort served as an important naval base guarding the nearby harbour. ',52.63624,-.459709,4],['Exeter City Wall

Over 70% of the original Exeter city wall still exists, and although much of it dates from Anglo-Saxon and medieval times, there are still large portions of the original Roman stonework. Once the Romans conquered the capital, the emperor rode into the capital on the back of an elephant. The eastern side contains stonework that is intact. Some parts still stand today including the original Roman gate. In 2017 London is a sprawling metropolis that expands year after year, but … ',54.9912,-2.360204,4],['Viroconium Cornoviorum (Wroxeter Roman City)

Once the fourth largest Roman city in England, Viroconium Cornoviorum (now called Wroxeter) contains the largest free-standing Roman ruin in England as well as other extensive remains. To plug this gap in their defences, the Romans built a series of milefortlets extending down the Cumbrian coast from Hadrians Wall, linked by a road rather than a wall. ',51.889567,.893857,4],['Carrawbugh

Once the most northern fort on Hadrians Wall, today the only remains of Carrawburgh fort (a.k.a. The remains of a large Roman fort can still be seen there. Of all the Roman remains in Britain, Hadrian's Wall is probably the most famous. The 10 best ruins in Britain Britain is rightly known for its great stately houses, castles and churches – and its ruins are also worthy of celebration Rowan Moore ',53.237177,-.538215,4],['Pevensey Roman Fort

This Saxon Shore Fort was built around AD290, and although most of the structure dates from the medieval times there is significant Roman masonry in the outer curtain wall. ',50.952811,-1.830613,4],['Roman Baths

The Roman Baths and magnificent Temple were built around the natural hot spring which rises at 46°C and were at the centre of Roman life in Aquae Sulis between the first and fifth centuries. This location is dated to 280 AD. This fort was once a maritime supply fort for Hadrian’s wall. Roman Ruins England Silchester Roman town Walls and Amphitheatre. The ruins of city walls. Built in 160 AD,... 2. ',51.481497,-3.180783,4],['Cold Knap, Barry

Cold Knap was once a Roman port, and the remains of a 3rd century building can still be seen along the shore. Today, the site of Leptis Magna is the site of some of the most impressive ruins of the Roman period. You can get a glimpse into the past by visiting these beautiful ancient Roman ruins. To plug this gap in their defences, the Romans built a series of milefortlets extending down the Cumbrian coast from Hadrians Wall. Archaeologists at Work, Vindolanda. ',51.861541,-4.298465,4],['Nidum, Neath

Situated at the corner of a main road and a modern housing estate lies the remains of the south gate of Nidum Roman Fort. If visiting, be sure to stop in at the Roman Museum which, amongst a host of finds from the city, includes an in situ mosaic dating from the late 2nd century AD. Roman Ruins. ',53.137597,-4.265667,4],['Tomen-y-Mur Roman Fort

Visible earthworks of a Roman amphitheatre (albeit a very small one), bath house, temple, parade ground and even a Roman road can be seen, although most of the remains here are from a much later Norman motte and bailey castle. The group relaxes for lunch with a view of the Wall. The Roman Theatre. Mosaic Floor … ',51.610141,-2.954005,4],['Cardiff Roman Fort

Although the majority of the Cardiff Roman Fort is a Victorian reconstruction, the original Roman walls can still be seen incorporated into certain portions of the Cardiff Castle. Originally a base for the Roman fleet of the Classic Britannica (a branch of the navy designed to protect the English Channel), the town quickly grew into a major trading centre due to both its proximity to Gaul and its positioning at the start of Watling Street. ',52.650027,1.719266,4],['Caistor St. Edmund (Venta Icenorum)

Once the capital of the Iceni tribe (of Boudica fame), Venta Icenorum soon became one of the most important Roman settlements in East Anglia. There is also a small museum which includes an exhibition about the site as well as finds which were uncovered during excavation. The remains of many of the forts buildings are still visible, quite surprising really considering that Edward I plundered most of the stonework for his castle at Caernarfon! ',54.57394,-3.576298,4],['Ravenglass Bath House

With its stone walls still standing at almost 4m high, the ruined bath house stands outside the nearby 2nd century Ravenglass Roman fort. ',52.929758,-3.926518,4],['Venta Silurum

Unquestionably the best surviving Roman town defence walls in Britain (standing up to 5 metres in places! Restricted opening times and entrance charges apply. A strategically important outpost, it formed part of a military frontier against the hostile Picts to the north. What Roman ruins are there? ',54.721311,-3.49563,4],['Wigton (Maglona) Fort

Also known as Old Carlisle, the fort was constructed towards the end of the first century AD. There is also a small section of Roman city wall to the east of the arch. Many Romans considered Britain to be cursed. We set off to see the Silchester Roman ruins on a lovely autumn day it was just a short car trip down the motorway from Berkshire and although I had read many reviews that were not particularly favourable we were looking forward to a …
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