Does registering more than 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 % of sales, profits, employment of an industry qualify for antitrust scrutiny? ROBINSON So part of what's going on is it's natural. ROBINSON A smoke stack on the back of every government program- by that you mean, a distortion in the marketplace.. FRIEDMAN Right, imposing a cost on third parties for which the third parties are not compensated. 3Personal communication with the author. That's the prime view, that's the Ayn Rand type of libertarianism. Rothbard, Murray N. 1982. Taylor, Jared, ed. The more extreme version of libertarianism has one central principle- it is immoral to initiate force on anyone else. This site appears by authority of the Libertarian Party of Maryland, Eric Blitz, Treasurer. The US Nobel economist Milton Friedman was one of the most effective critics of big government of his time – mainly, the second half of the twentieth century. Now, it would strike a lot of people living in Manhattan that Central Park is very important to their lives and that if Milton Friedman had his way, it would be turned over to the market and buried under skyscrapers and parking lots within 18 months or however long it takes Donald Trump to put the structures up. The Quest for Cosmic Justice. But, here, Friedman is advocating compulsory taxes from the middle class and rich, in order to give the money to the poor. Friedman is thus maintaining that while he does not vote for Second, even his “born again” adherence to free enterprise principles is entirely too shallow. Is it any accident that welfare programs such as the Friedmanian negative income tax tend to ex­acerbate this very problem? It is thus my contention that this economist’s claim to the mantle of liber­tarianism cannot be sustained. Milton Friedman, recipient of the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize for economic science, was a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution from 1977 to 2006, discusses, on February 10, 1999, how he balances the libertarians' desire for a small, less intrusive … ROBINSON Alright, done. How soon after will come down the pronunciamento that female and male teachers must be paid equally, that “affirmative action” quotas must be upheld for different racial groups, that “inclusive” language must be utilized, that Lincoln and FDR must not be denigrated, etc? FRIEDMAN Absolutely. If you approve it and it turns out to be a bad drug like Thalidomide, you're in the soup, your name is going to be on every front page [ROBINSON cost me my job, I get hauled up to Congress to testify..] right. If B smiles, or takes a shower, he improves the well being of his neighbors.24 Presumably, this means that Friedman favors a plan for government to either force everyone (or subsidize them) into engaging in all such “positive” pur­suits. It cannot be denied that they would introduce a modicum of competi­tion to the public schools, which sorely need it. “The Mi­crosoft Corporation in Collision with An­titrust Law,” Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 26 (Winter): 287­302. 2001. The Real American Dilemma: Race, Immigration, and the Future of America. He stated (my paraphrase): “Thanks to the efforts of all economists for the last two centuries, tariffs are probably .01% lower than they otherwise would have been. Their careers almost entirely overlapped yet one left a lasting influence on the free world while the other died in more or less absurdity having only influenced it’s cult-like following yet many anarcho-capitalists rather “throw out” Friedman’s libertarian legacy. The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism, 2nd ed. Nothing could come closer to the very essence of libertarianism than that. The Libertarian Party's 2004 presidential candidate Michael Badnarik had a similar position, writing: "I oppose government control over the abortion issue. We must apply them, without fear or favor. And yet this outrage garners Friedman’s support.20 This is not even minarchism plus. The opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution or Stanford University. Rothbard, Murray N. 2002. Milton Friedman is the Establishment’s Court Libertarian, and it is high time that libertarians awaken to this fact of life. We might not be willing to con­tribute the same amount without such as­surance …. “A Libertarian Theory of Free Immigration,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, 13 (Summer): 187­97. “The Drug War as a Socialist Enterprise,” in Arnold S. Trebach and Kevin B. Zeese, eds., Friedman & Szasz on Liberty and Drugs. Become engaged in a community that shares an interest in the mission of the Hoover Institution to advance policy ideas that promote economic opportunity and prosperity, while securing and safeguarding peace for America and all mankind. 1978. FRIEDMAN Well, given the problem there is you first have to sell off all the land that the government owns but that's what you should do.. [ROBINSON But it could be done pretty quickly..] It could be done, you should do that, there's no reason for the government to own...the government now owns something like 1/3 of all the land in the country. The short answer is that the former requires of each of us that we keep our sticky paws off the persons and property of others, and the latter im­plies we be limited to voluntary interac­tion with one another, such as trade, gifts, etc. 27John Quincy Adams, speaking on the Fourth of July, 1821: “Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been un­furled, there will [America’s] heart, her be­nedictions, and her prayers be. Private education is still rela­tively free. (Civil issues would be privately adjudi­cated.) Friedman, Milton and Rose Friedman. We're not going to enter into it unless both of us think it's better for us. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. All it shows is that none of these members of the dismal science, nor Friedman, either, can be considered libertarians of any shape or variety. It happens to be there two kinds, there are private-for-profit enterprises and not-for-profit enterprises like the museum, like the opera house and so on. Secondly, there are police. “Hayek, Business Cycles and Fractional Reserve Banking: Continuing the De­Homogenization Process,” Review of Austrian Economics, 9 (1): 77-94. And yet they don’t typically mean that in a complimentary way. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Hoppe, Hans-Hermann. Admittedly, this is a tricky argument to level against Friedman’s credentials as a libertarian. 1993. Milton Friedman, An 'Elfin Libertarian' Giant. Washington, George. New York: St. Martin’s Press. THE CHICAGO SCHOOL Friedmanism can be fully understood only in the context of its historical roots, and these roots are the so-called “Chicago School” of economics of the 1920s and 1930s. New York: Free Press. ROBINSON After the passenger themselves, the airlines. “The State Was a Mis­take.” Book review of Hoppe, Hans-Hermann, Democracy, the God that Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy and Natural Or­der, May 25, 2001 ( Third, from an economic point of view, whenever you subsidize something, you tend to get more of it, not less of it. Milton Friedman was born in 1912 and died in 2006. FRIEDMAN Wrong [ROBINSON Alright, why?] See also on this Sowell (1999). Attacks on countries that have never threatened us, and are so powerless they could not possibly pose a credible threat against us? The same as everyone else? Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press. You're an FDA official, you have a question of whether to approve or disapprove a new drug. Now isn't that a modest and completely acceptable government intervention? New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. He was especially courageous not just merely for opposing occupational licensure, but for actually applying it to the hitherto sacro­sanct practice of medicine (Friedman, 1962, chapter 9).7. Milton Friedman (Nova Iorque, 31 de julho de 1912 — São Francisco, 16 de novembro de 2006) foi um economista, estatístico e escritor norte-americano, que lecionou na Universidade de … The pre­sent paper discusses in some detail Friedman’s divergences from libertaria­nism in just a few cases. And in so doing, we have increased world GDP by a large multiple of all our salaries” (he mentioned “ten thousand fold”). 219-29). This site appears by authority of the Libertarian Party of Maryland, Eric Blitz, Treasurer. It is difficult to resist the interpretation that Friedman’s goal, here, is not to op­pose the fighting of unjust wars. Question number one, the environment. His deviations from this philosophy are simply too wide, deep and important for any such categoriza­tion. Again, it is the very lifeblood of the economy. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. As competition invariably im­proves service, it is difficult to see why that would not be the result in the present case. 2See, for instance, the following websites: “A Simple Liberta­rian Argument Against Unrestricted Im­migration and Open Borders.” September ( Our address is P.O. ROBINSON Does Milton Friedman really oppose all health and safety regulation? Milton Friedman was the driving force (and commentator) behind a series called “Free to Choose”, which is perhaps one of the core beliefs of libertarians. If Friedman supports the voluntary military so as to promote the unjustified war efforts of the U.S. government, he is to that degree not a libertarian; indeed, he is an enemy of this philosophy. The Econom­ics and Ethics of Private Property: Stu­dies in Political Economy and Philoso­phy. Rather, we are merely trying to categorize an eminent scholar’s political economic beliefs. It cannot possibly be overstated how important money is for a free society. So the result is that the pressure on the FDA is always to be late in approving. But in more recent years, until the very recent years, Central Park came to be a place where you wouldn't dare to do that, it wasn't safe. On the other hand, if the way company X increases its market share is by firebombing the premises of company Y, or, more likely, through government pri­vileges, then, even if X’s market share is only 1 %, it is still in violation of proper law, at least as seen by the libertarian. In the same way, if Central Park were not owned by the government, it never would've become the filthy place it became. New York: Basic Books. Milton Friedman was born in 1912 and died in 2006. FRIEDMAN When you do it now, by selling the right to emit a certain amount of pollutants into the air. OK, now let me another case, and this one I think is pretty tough Milton for a libertarian. Then predatory pricing or cutthroat competition. Box 176, Abingdon, MD 21009-0176. ROBINSON The FDA simply ensures that pharmaceutical companies live up to the old dictum, first do no harm. Except that energy ties in with military. ROBINSON Milton Friedman has told us why the government's role in our lives should be limited, but how limited? My own views about the antitrust laws have changed greatly over time. Our guest, the Nobel prize winning economist, Milton Friedman. Epstein, Richard A. Milton Friedman calls himself a small “l” libertarian. 1989. “Is There a Right to Immigration? Doing the latter verges perilously close to hate crime legislation, where people are (addi­tionally) punished merely for their thoughts, not their acts.31. But to acknowledge that this field of thought admits of grey areas is not to surrender to the notion that distinctions are impossible, or unimportant. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice- Hall. FRIEDMAN Absolutely, if it didn't work...the main thing is, if it didn't work, it would be an impossible goal. Another prominent supporter is Charles Murray. what comes up? Rothbard, Murray N. "Milton Friedman Unraveled." amendments that came in as a result of Thalidomide which you brought up, the FDA was, expanded its mandate that it is required to assure both the safety and the efficacy of the drugs and that has enormously raised the cost of getting drugs approved. Milton Friedman was perhaps the most brilliant and productive libertarian ever. [ROBINSON Even then it was a very good address.] Economist Milton Friedman, recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Economic Science, was one of the most recognizable and influential proponents of liberty and markets in the 20th century, and leader of the Chicago School of economics. When I started in this business, as a believer in competi­tion, I was a great supporter of antitrust laws; I thought enforcing them was one of the few desirable things that the gov­ernment could do to promote more com­petition. Brozen, Yale and Milton Friedman. Every motorcyclist has a choice to make that is except in the more than 20 states, including this state of California, that require the use of the helmet by law. Milton Friedman is the Godfather of American conservative libertarianism. But there is something of a gray area between the latter and classical liberalism. ROBINSON So your view is abolish the FDA.. FRIEDMAN Absolutely [ROBINSON And what comes up in its place?] Milton Friedman Quotes on Greed, Freedom, Socialism, and More. But look around the world today. But that is the nub of the problem, at least from the libertarian perspective. There were no, and I keep emphasizing, nobody's going to take care of somebody else's property as well as they'll take care of his own. Stanford: Hoover Institution. So you're allowed to take a deep breath before I hit you with this one if you want to. If political economists wish to have their efforts con­sidered systematic, we, too, must be more than merely acquainted with the niceties of categorization. The mainstream view of antitrust is dead from the neck up. The former would be used to set up private property initially (Rothbard, 1998; Hoppe, 1993), and the latter to determine how property may be legitimately transferred from one person to another. But this simply is not good enough. What about his (1962) view on “neighborhood effects”? While both of these political thought processes have some areas that overlap, you’ll soon understand the fundamental differences between the history, modernization, and … Better keep those premiums down...I'm Peter Robinson, thanks for joining us. Well, the more narrowly one defines it37 the more likely an entrepreneur is likely to find himself in the dock and there is no correct non-arbitrary definition in this regard. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Those are the only cases, but you have to qualify that by noting that when government enters in, it also is emitting smoke, it's also imposing cost on third parties because it's always a very imperfect arrangement and moreover it always has to collect taxes and the process of collecting taxes is, as I always say, there's a smokestack on the back of every government program. And that's just the kind of issue we'll be talking about with Milton Friedman today. But we were able to take our children down to the park when they were babies and leave them with a teenage sitter and no one was worried about safety.; This pill may not change your life but it won't hurt you, therefore it may be marketed. Milton Friedman's documentary series Free To Choose first aired on PBS 40 years ago. Machan, Tibor. He chose not to do so. FRIEDMAN Well that's a very complicated issue and it's not an easy answer with respect to that. FRIEDMAN Now let's keep going..and the government also prevents useful information from being passed on. As a libertarian, Dr. Friedman believes in the maximum possible freedom for the individual. 1998. Washing­ton, D.C.: The Drug Policy Foundation, 1992. Were space to have permitted, these, also, could have been added: withholding tax, tradable emissions rights, neighborhood effects, road socialism, the Fed 3 % rule, flexible exchange rates, eminent domain, democ­racy. “The Economic Cost of the Draft,” American Economic Review, 57 (May): 39-62. Vancouver: Fraser Insti­tute. ROBINSON Again and again you will hear that we've tried, the Western world has already tried laissez-faire, let her rip economics and it ended up with the London that Charles Dickens portrayed "dirty, filthy, child-labor" just a terrible mess. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. “Roofs or Ceilings?” in Walter Block and Edgar Olsen, eds., Rent Control: Myths and Realities. He was a leader of the second generation of libertarian economists to come out of the University of Chicago. Our address is P.O. Milton Friedman's documentary series Free To Choose first aired on PBS 40 years ago. “Alleviation of Po­verty,” in Burton A. Weisbrod, ed., The Economics of Poverty: An American Pa­radox. There are several reasons. Austrian Economist and Libertarian Theorist,,,,,,,,,,,, And they're not being allowed to do it. 2001. Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist, statistician, and author who taught at the University of Chicago for more than three decades. 4. It also includes the field of personal liber­ties. I see the way you work with graduate students...Now, if I may, let me take you through a series questions that are floating around in the modern mind and ask how a libertarian addresses them. David Friedman, like his late father Milton Friedman, is both an academic economist and a popular intellectual with an unabashed libertarian orientation. Those packages that had the ingredients on it would be more attractive to consumers than those that didn't. The central principle is that nobody takes care of somebody else's property as well as he takes care of his own. There is a direct line from Milton Friedman to Donald Trump. See Ferrini (2005). Friedman is thus maintaining that while he does not vote for the latter, perhaps for strategic reasons, its philosophy on political economic issues is closest to his own, of all political parties. Friedman allowed the libertarian Cato Instituteto use his name for its biannual Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty beginning in 2001. To put it differently, we might all of us be willing to contribute to the relief of poverty provided everyone else did. Because everything in Russia was controlled by the government. Dear Capitolistas, The New York Times recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of Milton Friedman’s influential New York Times Magazine essay, “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” with a great idea: having Thought Leaders™ from across the political spectrum opine on the essay and its impact. Cite This Article. To be fair to this author, though, there is nary a neoclassical economist who would not buy into this pernicious doc­trine; he is hardly alone in this error. Why is it even more important to do so in this case than in many others? The Minimum Wage Rate. London: Institute of Economic Affairs. The Essence of Friedman. Journal of Libertarian Studies 16, No. Libertarian listener of the show Greg implored us to watch this 2 minute Milton Friedman clip on air. Then, there is his negative income tax (Friedman, 1962, 1963). If through dint of lowering prices, increasing quali­ty, beating the competition in a race to satisfy the consumer by introducing new and better products, then whatever result ensues it is compatible with libertarian law. Did they come to the city because they thought it would be worse? For example, if he sells at a price deemed by the state apparatus to be too high, he is found guilty of profiteering or price gouging. Huerta de Soto, Jesus. Just because he does so, however, does not mean we have to concur with this self-styled description. Second, categorization is a very im­portant aspect of political economic anal­ysis (Block and Cwik, 2007). Of why is it that all these people from the farming, from the rural areas came to the city. The point is, one can attain any market share by employing purely legitimate means; therefore, it is impossible to infer rights violation from such a source. Friedman, Milton. He states: Now we come to Silicon Valley and Mi­crosoft. ROBINSON Well you've just defined it, but thank you, I'll take the credit. He was not just an academic economist, but an enormously influential celebrity conservative ideologue who legitimized ideas for the like-minded, including the belief that ‘greed is good’. It's in the self-interest of pharmaceutical companies not to have these bad things. If someone has not formed mens rea, he cannot be guilty of a crime, only, at most, negligence. 2005. “Continuums,” Journal Etica e Politica / Ethics & Politics, 1 (June): 151-66. “Teach­ing Business Ethics: A Classificationist Approach,” Business Ethics: A European Review, 16 (April): 98-107. FRIEDMAN But as a matter of fact there are two really different versions of libertarianism. FRIEDMAN You can regard the Veteran Affairs as a way of paying essentially salaries for services of those who've been in the armed forces but you ought to be able to get rid of it. So much for negative externali­ties. Further, no true libertarian, at least on this issue, would raise the issue of whether Microsoft is or is not guilty of a rights violation, and then fail to answer, strongly, in the negative36 His advocacy of freedom in this regard is far too super­ficial to be called libertarian. The pleasures of roaring along the open road while the wind streams through your hair, well it would stream your hair if you didn't have a helmet on. Consider this statement of Friedman’s (1967, p. 4): A volunteer army would be manned by people who had chosen a military career rather than, at least partly, by reluctant conscripts anxious only to serve out their term. Oi, Walter Y. There is a whole range of eco­nomic and personal liberties on the basis of which this Nobel Prize winning author can be considered well within the main­stream of libertarian thought. The police function is primarily local and central. No, es­pecially for Rothbard, the only time force is justified is when it is used against someone who has first initiated a property rights violation against someone else. Pay it off. But it takes sophisticated reasoning, not just hand-waving, to address the critique of Milton Friedman, the libertarian icon who won a Nobel memorial prize in economics in 1976. It is as certain as anything can be that the U.S. government, at least as presently constituted, would never countenance a Nazi elementary school, where the kiddies drew swastikas, goose-stepped, sung the Horst Wessel song, etc.34 If so, then the government must of necessity promulgate rules that distinguish “legitimate” grade schools from illegitimate ones. “The Case for Free Trade,” Hoover Di­gest, No. Their careers almost entirely overlapped, yet one left a lasting influence on the free world, while the other died in more or less absurdity. This would have the benefit of drastically reducing this state of affairs (no one would admit to being poor), as well as solving this externality problem. 1981. Now there are some libertarian manufacturers of drugs who have proposed, who tried to push through the idea that they can put on their thing, this is what the FDA says and this is what we say- choose. Milton Friedman calls himself a small “l” libertarian. All property other than that needed to perform these three functions (army barracks, planes, tanks and guns, police stations, jails, courthouses) would be privately owned. What It Means to be a Libertarian. Morris Fiorina is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Wendt Family Professor of Political Science at Stanford University. ROBINSON Pay off lump sums perhaps, and just get rid of it. Milton Friedman calls himself a small “l” libertarian.1 Just because he does so, however, does not mean we have to con­cur with this self-styled description.2As with all empirical matters, we must check the evidence if we are to properly eva­luate such a claim. Unfortunately, Friedman himself may be partially to blame for this because of his emphasis on profit-seeking rather than fulfilling the desires and goals of shareholders. Video. ROBINSON The typical definition of libertarianism in my mind is that a libertarian wants the smallest, least intrusive government consistent with... FRIEDMAN Consistent with the maximum freedom for each individual to follow his own ways, his own values, as long as he doesn't interfere with anybody else who's doing the same. But there are several stands of which propel him the other way entirely. Veteran's Affairs? Anderson, William, Walter Block, Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Ilana Mercer, Leon Snyman and Christopher Westley. Consider this statement by Friedman (1962, p. 191): It can be argued that private charity is in­sufficient because the benefits from it ac­crue to people other than those who make the gifts—again, a neighborhood effect. However, I doubt whether Rothbard would have allowed so serious a deviation from free enterprise principles as this, even if it were the only one: In a television interview (, beginning around 15:23) Fried­man endorses the New Deal WPA and PWA as necessary emergency action. For more on this see Rothbard (1982). Simple Rules for a Complex World. Friedman, Milton. ROBINSON In the absence of those government laws it wouldn't have taken place? Writing in Liberty magazine (February 2007), Bruce Ramsey made the argument, “Milton Friedman was not just a figure in the libertarian movement. Alien Nation: Com­mon Sense about America’s Immigration Disaster. 1965. Vancou­ver: Fraser Institute. Murray Rothbard used to say: “Every dog gets one bite.”3 By this he meant that most libertarians, or, indeed, adherents of any political economic phi­losophy, deviate in one or even a few points that can otherwise be used to defi­ne that perspective. I am distressed by the sight of poverty; I am benefited by its alleviation; but I am benefited equally whether I or someone else pays for its alleviation; the benefits of other people’s charity therefore partly accrue to me. Why is it even more important to do so in this case than in many others? One of the most vexing questions for the framers of the Constitution was how to create a vigorous and independent executive without making him king. In contrast, one combs in vain through the writings of other economists, such as Mises or Rothbard, in an attempt to find support for this dogma that in principle justifies govern­ment action (taxes or subsidies) since ordinary economic activity can be inter­preted as helping or hurting others, with­out compensation in the market. If anything, the very opposite is the case. And here, as well, Milton Friedman shines. 1993. Friedman, Milton. But I thought the South in those days had relatively had low tax rates, relatively low regulation...] No, no, but the government provided for a separation. Brian Doherty | 11.20.2012 10:30 AM We infer from this decision that he is not a liberta­rian, at least not on this one issue, which is obviously of great importance to him. Milton Friedman was born in 1912 and died in 2006. 1796. “A Life-Saving Lesson from Operation Desert Storm,” The Freeman, 43 (October): 391-93. Opinions expressed by our bloggers, or in any of the third-party content featured on this site, are the opinions of the authors or original publishers. A recent successful third party presidential candidate was Gary Johnson. Milton Friedman — ‘I am a libertarian with a small 'l' and a Republican with a capital 'R'. By David Henderson. For him, the free enterprise system is simply incapable of providing this lifeblood of the economy, e.g., the gold standard. Right.] La Salle, IL: Open Court. Milton Friedman calls himself a small “l” libertarian.1 Just because he does so, however, does not mean we have to con­cur with this self-styled description.2 As with all empirical matters, we must check the evidence if we are to properly eva­luate such a claim. For ex­ample, there were both public and private grocery stores and restaurants; the former were for the most part a shambles (out in the suburbs things were not so bad, though) and the latter functioned reason­ably well. Friedman is thus maintaining that while he … Before discussing the points of diver­gence between Friedman and this politi­cal economic philosophy, let us take a detour and characterize the various topics of concern to libertarianism, the better to be able to compare and contrast his views with that system. 1995. 1944. 1997. He strongly challenged Keynsianism, helped to invent the payroll withholding tax system. For millions of Americans motorcycles represent freedom, rugged individualism. And you do the same by charging essentially making it requirement that automobiles have to have [ROBINSON The catalytic convertors] Catalytic convertors and that's effectively making individuals be responsible for costs they impose others. 1966. [ROBINSON Pay it off?] But a similar analysis applies to the positive side. “Fanatical, Not Reasonable: A Short Cor­respondence Between Walter Block and Milton Friedman (on Friedrich Hayek),” Journal of Libertarian Studies, 20 (Sum­mer): 61-80. Similar­ly, by exhaling, he increases the rate of carbon “poisoning” by an infinitesimal amount. 31On the other hand, surely this is justified in distinguishing between purposeful and acci­dental rights violations. But not those engaged in victimless “crimes” such as drug using or dealing, sexual acts between consenting adults, gambling, etc. The horse race here is between loose libertarianism or minarchism plus, on the one hand, and classical liberalism, on the oth­er. And it's the one you've just defined. Here he is an out and out leftist. Who has the most interest in preventing airline accidents. In recent months, various critics of the late Milton Friedman have argued that Friedman dominated economic policy for a large part of the last half century. If Friedman is distressed by poverty, why not outlaw it? FRIEDMAN You have to keep it to collect taxes. Writing in Liberty magazine (February 2007), Bruce Ramsey made the argument, “Milton Friedman was not just a figure in the libertarian movement. ROBINSON What I mean by civil rights is to take a raw case, the South, under Jim Crow in the 1950's. Income from Independent Professional Practice. Last Friday, November 9, saw the big “Milton Friedman Centennial” celebration at the University of Chicago’s Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics. ROBINSON OK one half. There may have been, undoubtedly don't misunderstand me, there is prejudice, there's no question, and undoubtedly it has bad affects on various people but in the absence of the laws in the south it would've broken down much faster and much earlier. To wit, his advocacy of the voluntary military at that time (Block, 1969). 37Bread, rather than wheat products; colas, instead of all beverages. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. We for years, for some years, a long long time ago, lived on Central Park West when we were in New York. FRIEDMAN Oh but Housing and Urban Development has done a enormous amount of harm. Milton Friedman - Self-Interest & Self-Ownership[It is your right to smoke any drugs.] It is an exaggeration, to be sure, to say that chemistry and biol­ogy consist of nothing more than catego­rization, but only a slight one. Friedman allowed the libertarian Cato Institute to use his name for its biannual Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty beginning in 2001. However, here we are not attempting to determine guilty or innocence for a crime. Which functions? Would we regard this as a step toward greater liberty? Friedman Rather, it is to get more “bang for the buck” from military spending. How does he decide when it is legitimate for the government to take some of our freedom away? On others, he is no better than a market so­cialist. If I understand his principles correctly, he'd say that the choice whether to wear motorcycle helmet shouldn't be between me and the State government in Sacramento but between me and if anyone and my insurance company. Friedman visited China for a second time in 1988 at the same time as the libertarian Cato Institute organized a conference in Shanghai—a remarkable event in and of itself. A department of defense is justified, but not a mis­named such department, which really serves as a department of offense. Our show today, libertarianism. Your gift helps advance ideas that promote a free society. But both are equally jus­tified, at least from his Chicago-esque perspective where externalities justify the use of force.26 Let us then apply the for­mer. Milton Friedman. The Libertarian Party's 2004 presidential candidate Michael Badnarik had a similar position, writing: "I oppose government control over the abortion issue. Aside from the effect on fighting spirit, this would produce a lower turn­over in the armed services, saving pre­cious man-hours that are now wasted in training or being trained. “On Immigration: Reply to Hoppe,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, 21(Fall): 25-42. There is nothing in this scheme, except for the fact that the supposed arch-conservative, Mil­ton Friedman, has proposed it, that should in principle be unacceptable to the ultra liberals, for example the outright socialist Welfare Rights Now movement.23. Who are we to disagree? Friedman, Milton and Rose Friedman. A Friedman Prize was given to the late … Dr. Friedman and I won't be talking about motorcycle helmets, but we will be discussing the larger issues of how a libertarian looks at public safety, protecting the environment, or deciding the right size of government itself. But that would be just about it. Surely people living abroad have just as much “right”25 to the wealth of Ameri­cans. Health and Human Services? Overall, I would characterize him as a classical liberal, but not a libertarian, even utilizing a relatively inclusive defi­nition of that term. 17Keynes attributes this statement to Lenin: One argument in favor of vouchers is that at present the government is involved in two ways in elementary education: financing and provision. There are low skilled individuals such as teenagers or individuals from minorities, which generally could have worked for lesser wages and gained experience which could help them advance. If Central Park were privately owned it would be advantageous to provide recreational spaces. 33When Milton Friedman retired, he set up an institution for educational vouchers, the Mil­ton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation for School Choice (;, not for the 3 per cent rule in central banking, not to rid the country of minimum wages, rent controls or tariffs, so it is difficult to deny this is his primary focus. They ought to own the land on which government buildings are on. Boaz, David. Politically Impossible? 1992a. But why stop there? And so the only case for government is when it is not feasible for market arrangements to make individuals pay, to compensate others for any harm they impose on them. The frontlets upon her brows would no longer beam with the ineffable splendor of freedom and independence; but in its stead would soon be substituted an imperial di­adem, flashing in false and tarnished luster the murky radiance of dominion and power. Department of Agriculture? For, at present, the malevolent hand of government only lightly rests on the shoulder of the overall educational mar­ketplace. Is he a libertarian? Get rid of these government regulations? Maybe there are some citizens who enjoy the sight of poverty in other people (misanthropes), and perhaps, even, in themselves (ascetics). This hardly sounds like any kind of libertarianism at all, even under the widest possible inter­pretation of that term. For minarchists, the isolationist and non-interventionist policies of George Washington and John Quincy Adams are definitive.27 Trade with all countries, but “entangling alliances” with none.28 “Invasion” of goods and services, on a voluntary basis, yes.29 Imperialist, that is, actual invasions of other countries by our armed forces, the placing of U.S. military bases on foreign soil, no. Small “l” as opposed to … Block, Walter and William Barnett II. Sowell, Thomas. That's one brand, now there's another brand which is one I would be favorable to which you could call consequentialist libertarianism. To preserve the peace, defend the country, provide a mechanism whereby individuals can adjudicate their disputes, that's the Justice Department, protect individuals from being coerced by other individuals, the policing function, and now this is both the central government and the state and local government. The idea’s execution was, well, not as great. Hoppe, Hans-Hermann. The Road To Serf­dom. For if he favors the volunta­ry military for one reason, this adds to his standing in this regard, while for another this detracts from it. A Liberta­rian Perspective,” Human Rights Review, 5 (Oct-Dec): 46-71. Kinsella, Stephan. 2008. This site rocks the Classic Responsive Skin for Thesis. And it sounds to me as though you have both reasons pretty well wrapped up. [ROBINSON Dickens didn't stroll around the countryside..] Right.. ROBINSON So what you're saying then is that this mental image that drives even to this day so much of the environmental debate is simply, it may be true as far it goes, but you'd advise greater historical understanding. “The Gold Standard: A Critique of Friedman, Mundell, Hayek, Greenspan,” Managerial Finance, 25 (5): 15-33. 16His son is (David Friedman, 1989), but Milton Friedman deserves no such honorific. ROBINSON But there must be some area- food and drugs for example where public safety can only be insured through government involvement, right? This is a per se violation of economic liberty. Friedman, Milton and Walter Block. 1977. By what right does the majority of the electorate force this minority to do the bidding of Friedman, just because he is in the major­ity on this particular issue? Washington, DC: The Free Society Association. In a universal-suffrage democracy, it is impossible. Just because he does so, however, does not mean we have to concur with this self-styled description. ROBINSON Obesity is a big problem in this country [FRIEDMAN yes indeed..] But up until recent years it was very tough for a dieter to pick up a package in the grocery store and figure out what the ingredient were, what the carbohydrate content is, the fat calories and so on and so forth. No, he defends a far more intrusive government. When gov­ernment substituted its easily inflatable fiat currency for this free market money, it constituted, in effect, an act of counter­feiting. 1969. “A Libertarian Case for Free Immigration,” Journal of Liberta­rian Studies, 13 (Summer): 167-186. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. FRIEDMAN What do you mean by civil rights? 1945. Milton Friedman’s doctrine of shareholder primacy has been much maligned, mischaracterized, and misunderstood over the past several decades. In other words, even his renunciation of his previous statist views falls short, far short, of being a matter of libertarian principle. “There’s No Justice in the War on Drugs,” The New York Times, Jan 11( He poured into this some of his own money, a lot of his time, and all of his name and reputation. To ask this question is to answer it: he is not.16 Can he be found amongst the minarchists? ROBINSON Milton Friedman, thank you very much. This is a complicated incident to analyze, for Friedman promulgated this initiative for two entirely different rea­sons, one completely compatible with libertarianism, the other certainly not. But virtually every human ac­tion has some sort of “effect” on someone else. If any additional functions are added to this12, then we move out of the realm of libertarianism and into its first cousin, classical liberalism.13, In this case, government takes on the additional roles, for example, of providing welfare for the poor, but only of a last (not a first) resort. On Galbraith and on Curing the British Disease. Why? “Hayek’s Road to Serf­dom,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, 12 (Fall): 327-50 [reprinted in Ama-gi: Journal of the Hayek Society at the Lon­don School of Economics, vol. FRIEDMAN But that was a case of too much government [ROBINSON It was? That is a problem in the case of the power plant is that there is no way in which you can say you have to get the agreement of each of the persons whose shirt your going to dirty and pay him for the privilege of dirtying their shirt before you can do it. Block, Walter. With the so-called Keith Elver? In the former case, he worked to end the draft to promote justice30 by reducing the draft-slavery of young male Ameri­cans. There are stories of the Indians describing that as a smoggy area. Let me give you this simplest example- aspirin, you know and I know that you're well advised to take an aspirin every other day to reduce the danger of heart attack. He was a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and is known for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory, and the complexity of stabilization policy. These are not to be used to be the policeman of the world, engaging in “re­gime change” for countries that violate their own citizens’ rights. Sup­pose we lived in a society where the insti­tutions for feeding ourselves were on the same plane as education now is. I don't believe in dictators. 23It is beyond rational explanation why the left has not seized upon and made its own the various Friedman nostrums such as the nega­tive income tax, school vouchers, etc. ROBINSON Once again, on balance , get rid of the FDA. In any case, we are not here considering the libertarian credentials of all dismal scientists, only those of one of its eminent leaders, a self-styled liberta­rian. 1998. Anderson, Martin. Alright? Rather the goal is to complete­ly privatize this industry. You remember Martin Anderson wrote a book on the federal bulldozer describing the effect of the urban development. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Rather, he is viewing the alleviation of poverty through forced income transfers as a posi­tive externality. For him, it is now in effect an empirical matter. “Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution,” Cato Journal, (Spring): 55-99 [reprinted in Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation, Walter Block, ed. And third are courts. Boston: Kluwer Academic. Hayek, Friedrich A. The entire system would be run on the basis of the twin axioms of libertarian homesteading, and the non-aggression axiom. If school vouchers constitute one step “forward” in public education, it is hard to resist the notion that they also embody two steps backward for the ulti­mate goal in this field of private educa­tion. Friedman, Milton. “How to Cure Health Care,” The Public Interest, 142 (Winter): 3-30. ROBINSON Now you just touched on something very important because one of the things I'm trying to distinguish here is the extent to which your libertarianism is effectively a moral position, you do it because it's right and just, it creates the greatest conditions of justice and the extent to which you do it because it works. Milton Friedman’s libertarian economics advocating shareholder capitalism has influenced generations trying to understand the economy, not only in the US, but all over the world. That is, declare pover­ty to be a criminal offense. But even if there were a correct non-arbitrary definition of monopoly in terms of concentration ratios, it still does not logically follow that, at least for the liber­tarian, this ought to be found in violation of law. We begin by asking Dr. Friedman just what is a libertarian. If he were logically consistent, he would favor this form of market socialism for everything: health care, but also, rubber bands, paper clips, bananas, whatever. The Increasingly Libertarian Milton Friedman The most respectable libertarian got more radical with age. It should've been possible...[ROBINSON So tort law takes care of a lot of this.] It is not for nothing that there are communist parties in Europe, but none upholding Naz­ism. Oakton, VA: Ameri­can Renaissance. For the last thing a follower of this view­point wants is to improve socialist schooling. School vouch­ers resemble nothing so much as the mar­ket socialism of Tito’s Yugoslavia. There've been many more dwelling units torn down in the name of public housing than have been built. However, there is no income redistribution from the very to the moderately rich; there is only a safety net placed under the very, very poor, so that they do not die from starvation, from the elements, etc., in case private charity does not first meet this need. ROBINSON I want to push you one more time on the environment- air. (Vancouver: Fraser In­stitute, 1990)]. If his claim in this regard is given credence, then critics of more extreme versions of libertarianism will continue to be confronted with the “Even Milton says …” argument, implying that anyone with a purer vision of economic freedom and free enterprise is for that reason alone too extreme. And there's enormous evidence that they have caused more deaths by late approvals than they have saved by early approval. Patri Friedman (born July 29, 1976) is an American libertarian, anarcho-capitalist, and theorist of political economy. At the outset, Friedman’s assertion that he should be considered a small “l” libertarian looks like an eminently rea­sonable one. 13For instance, Hayek (1944); for a critique see Block (1996). I believe that giving the government control of this issue could lead to more abortions rather than fewer, because the … We are properly ac­customed to determining guilt or innocence based on action not motive. 1Small “l” as opposed to large “L.” This re­fers to the Libertarian Party. Here his pigeon-holing speaks for itself: market socialism, a bare one-step up from pure socialism.35. 24The wearing of perfume is a positive exter­nality for some, and a negative externality for others, indicating the intellectual incoherence of the entire doctrine. These are to keep foreigners from attacking us while located in the domestic country, not while traveling abroad. If there is any one area most closely associated with the subject of our discus­sion, other than monetarism, it is compe­tition in education, particularly primary schooling, K-12.33 Are educational vou­chers pro- or anti-liberty? And was it worse or was it better? Not bloody likely. Certainly, Friedman’s opposition to rent control, minimum wage, tariffs, the drug war, etc., tend to drag him in the former direction. Where are the most polluted areas in the world? Gregory, Anthony and Walter Block. “Farewell Ad­dress” ( Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History. Much de­pends upon where on the periodical table of elements a given chemical is placed; similarly, whether a plant or animal is to be associated with this or that family, species, phylum, etc., is a crucially im­portant question in biology. 1990. Friedman, Milton. Today. 1962 [1942]. Milton Friedman calls himself a small “l” libertarian. Capitalism and Freedom. Definitely not. Cite This Article. 1999. For an alternative view of Hayek, see Block (1996, 1999), Block and Garschina (1996), Friedman vs. Block (2006), and Rothbard (1998, pp. Here in California it turns out there are 30 million people who like to breath. My god, if you think of the way in which they've destroyed parts of cities under the rubric of eliminating slums. Suppose one accepts, as I do, this line of reasoning as justifying go­vernmental action to alleviate poverty; to set, as it were, a floor under the standard of life of every person in the community …. Milton Friedman is the Godfather of American conservative libertarianism. Rothbard only influenced his own cult-like following, yet many of his anarcho-capitalists rather “ throw out ” Friedman’s libertarian legacy. ROBINSON Alright collect taxes through the Treasury. ROBINSON And that's too much, should go down to zero. This may sound like strong language for dramatic affect. 2006. © 2020 by the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University. I take the latter position. 30This is a concept antipathetic to him. La Salle, IL: Open Court. 1962. 25None at all, would be the libertarian re­sponse. “Milton Fried­man Unraveled,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, 16 (Fall): 37-54. Saying Milton Friedman was defending free trade just to make money off of China’s market liberalizations decades … This does not mean, of course, that li­bertarianism, or any other political phi­losophy, is an all or none thing. How are they going to do it? The only reason there's any chance of keeping government limited is because government is so inefficient and does so poorly. It is difficult to see how this line of reasoning can be reconciled with liberta­rianism. It is difficult to reconcile this with the libertarian philoso­phy. However, this only indi­cates the parlous nature of the economics profession. This insti­tution is to protect us from local mi­screants: murderers, rapists, arsonists, kidnappers, pickpockets, fraudsters, etc. Milton Friedman was not just one of the world’s most distinguished economists — he may have also been America’s most famous and influential libertarian.
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