Be vigilant and at the first sign of a problem begin seeking out a solution  The earlier a mistake is discovered and corrected, the easier it is for the bromeliad to recover and remain a beautiful plant to display. I would like to know how you handle the well when it flowers. Try giving it some more water. A friend thought the bromeliad looked so pretty and went to waste in the yard and -UGH- cut off the mother as it was in it’s beginning of the bloom. The hairs increase in number as the water moves closer toward the base of the leaves, where the tank is formed. Is the plant dying or is there a way I can get the leaves to open flat again? Should I somehow take it off and transplant to another pot and how should that be done? The leaves about 4 days ago start curling n started getting yellow spots. It may seem unlikely that a plant will be exposed to copper, but there are a few instances when it is possible if the grower is unaware of the presence of copper. Aphids are soft bodied insects that suck plant juices and causes stippling of the leaves. My yellow bromeliad’s leaves are turning brown on the edges and curling under. Instead use a potting medium that is specially formulated for growing bromeliads. As the tap water evaporates off the leaves and out of the central tank it leaves behind a mineral build up. This is in response to a couple of questions I’ve gotten about bromeliad flowers turning brown. The flower won’t stay forever and it’ll grow back soon! Bromeliads’ leaves form a cup at the plant’s base that catches and holds rainwater. If the infestation happens in your home it is most likely because a previously infested plant was introduced into the environment. There are many soil-less mixtures on the market that are designed to allow quick drainage. Usually, they simply can be pulled off or cut off with a knife or pruners at the point where the pup is attached to the mother plant. Curled Leaves Plants that are dry but not completely dehydrated may begin to curl or roll their leaves. I think it got somewhat scaled by it all. Yes my bromeliad was over watered by accident the flower has wilted and looks like it going to die. The plants that no longer flowered were still attractive since the leaves are so striking. A few questions have come my way about this topic so I want to share with you how I water bromeliad plants indoors. I let the central tank dry out for 2-7 days before putting any water back in it. whats wrong with it, The leaves closest to the dirt are dying ..what do I do, Your email address will not be published. The plants share a trait of raising their leaves at night as though in prayer. Culture The leaves on your plants are trying to tell you something. All Rights Reserved. I have been misting it often but that is not helping. My red-orange bromelia is prosucing little fine yellow shoots from the egde od blooms,with yellow powder coming from them. Am I giving it too much water? If you are using a fungicide make sure it is specified for use on bromeliads. I may have waited too long to pot them – I wasn’t able to pot them right away then I got sick for about three weeks. Using a container that is too large for a bromeliad will result in the potting medium retaining too much water and the bromeliad suffering the same consequences as overwatering; the roots are likely to rot eventually causing the plant to die. I am now seeing the brown come unto the leaves which were once red. Prayer plants perform nicely in terrariums as well as pots. Some camps say to keep the urn full of water, some say to keep it dry, others say to water the medium every 1-2 weeks and others say every 1-2 months. What have i done? Pest Related Bromeliad Plant Problems If plants are sited correctly and are receiving good care, you may wonder, “what’s wrong with my bromeliad?” If you are growing outdoors or you brought a plant inside, you could have an insect infestation. This will prevent the build up of any minerals and is preferred. I have one that is sitting in regular potting soil. A. We’re in the Central Valley. I planted the bromeliad on the floor of my vivarium mounted on an inch thick piece of cork bark. Thank you for helping us spread the word & make the world a more beautiful place! The term bromeliad can sometimes conjure up images of plants growing on trees. They'll look like tiny versions of the mother plant emerging from between the mother plant's bigger leaves. Indoors, these plants grow in potting soil and garner admiration for their big, colorful leaves. Addition to prior comment: the flower is turning brown at its edges; the actual leaves look like they are trying to curl inward. To water a bromeliad, mimic the effect of a tropical rain by pouring water into the plant’s cup (also called a vase.) Most bromeliads grow as a stemless rosette of leaves that may be symmetrical or twisted and curled. Do not use copper wire when mounting a bromeliad. Before they do, however, they produce one to several offshoots from their base called “pups.”. Now shape the tip into a curved V, just like the other healthy leaf tips. As an alternative to tap water, you can use rain water or distilled water. If you are unsure, it is best to wait another day and check again. Some are adapted to thrive in arid regions while other are adapted for growth in humid regions. The leaves of a bromeliad tend to curl, lighten & yellow as the mother plant is dying. During the winter or under low light, Bromeliads need no feeding. The tag that came with the plant from the store says ensure that the soil is damp and there should always be water between the leaves. Even if it appears dry on top, it may be retaining water further under the surface. Most bromeliads can tolerate drought. you are able to obtain the finished text cloth pdf document of link a million (Predators strengthen up Nutrient biking in a Bromeliad environment) for loose. After the flower is gone they will grow “pups” (new offshoots, like a baby) off the side of the plant. Then move it into the recommended bright light. Usually before the entire plant dies, which can take a few years “pups” will form which can be removed to start new plants. You can remove portions of the leaves to eliminate the brown or cut severely damaged leaves back to the plant. After the bract is dead, the "mother" plant will send out a series of offsets, or bromeliad pups, from the base of the plant. As high as 110 during the summer. For indoor bromeliads, be sure to let the cup dry out before refilling or the water can become stagnant and rot the plant. Sources Bathrooms can often retain more humidity than other rooms due to showers etc. The plant, which measures approximately 25cm diameter and 20cm tall, was potted when I bought it a fortnight ago. Bromeliad is a well-known tropical epiphyte plant, growing in the ground and also on other stuff like rainforest trees, logs, rocks, and other plants. There are a few questions you should ask the grower before you buy a bromeliad: Should it be mounted or grown in potted? You can read our policies here. © 2019 More on watering bromeliads. “Bromeliad Society International” When leaves are uniformly green, open, upright and growing vigorously, your plants are well-cared for and healthy. Many are colorfully banded and variegated. Hanging out with a bunch of bromeliads – their colors make me smile. If it does will it grow a new flower. I have been waiting another bloom & now I find out it won’t bloom again. After reading this you will feel like an exprt on these plants. I went ahead and potted them anyway. When Chinese money plants are kept in temperatures that are above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s going to be hard for them to survive. Most pups mature in 1-3 years. i have Light spots on my leaves. “Cultural Hints for Bromeliad Growers.” Florida Council of Bromeliad Growers. I think it looks little better after a drink of water. Therefore, if the soil remains constantly wet, the roots will likely rot ultimately killing the plant. Cop a squat with your plant and hold the dying leaf just below the browned tip. Using the wrong potting medium. The leaves may be broad and leathery or fine and wiry. The leaves are curling up. Stick you finger a few inches into the pot and check to make sure the potting medium feels dry at that level. Bromeliads also grow on rocks and in the soil of the forest floor. It can be confusing so I just wanted to share with you what works for me. © 2020 Joy Us Garden | Care, Propagation, and Pruning About | Contact | PRIVACY POLICYDesign By Viva la Violet, Mother Nature Inspired Christmas Ornaments, « Why You Should Be Adding Crystals to Your Garden, Lucky Bamboo and Spider Mites: How To Prevent This Common Plant Pest ». If, however, the foliage is wilted, spotted or in any way less than robust, your plants are likely to be suffering from a pest, disease, nutrient deficiency or other problem. Has anything in their environment changed recently that would cause them be unhappy? Apparently, they only flower once. What am i doing wrong. Also, after a bromeliad has bloomed, it will produce pups that can be removed once they get to be a few months old. Just know that it’s much better to keep them on the dry side rather than consistently wet – rot will be their demise faster than you can say “aechmea fasciata“! The only thing more beautiful than the leaves of these plants are their flowers. I snatch them in before the intense summer sun comes shining through because they’d fry. Finally now I’ve brought it back in by a 1/2 day sunny window. You don’t want your bromeliad to sit in water. Popular as a striking houseplant with a lifespan of about 2 to 3 years, bromeliad comes with broad, succulent leaves and colorful foliage, flowering only once in its entire lifetime. Make sure the tank is filled with water at all times, and only water the potting medium when the soil is dry to the touch. Near the end of its life, a bromeliad plant may produce an inflorescence, or flower. After flushing, resume with less nutrient feed. “Bromeliaceae” Wikipedia it has white spots on the base of its trunk. The red leaf center has turned very dark. It is blooming beautifully. The flower will last 2-3 months. Within those 57 genera are over 3,000 different species and many more cultivars. When I first bought my bromeliade there was a lovely flower on top which was red. It’s ok! Propagating Bromeliads: How to Remove and Pot Up Bromeliad Pups, Bromeliad Care: How to Grow This Beauty Indoors. As mentioned above, most bromeliads’ roots act as anchors and do not grow very large. Even if no traces of the pests exist when you bring home the plant, eggs that are invisible to the naked eye could hatch and spread pests to the other plants in your collection. Yesterday I was at garden works so I asked about it. And don’t water the planting medium too often; every 4 weeks should be plenty. I am new to bromeliads, and I have recently bought a few for indoors. Cryptanthus, for example, like to stay moist while most other bromeliads like to dry out a bit between waterings. The best feed for Bromeliads is Growth Technology Orchid Myst (affiliate link). Not very much at all – just enough to keep it slightly moist. In your conditions, I’d keep about 1/4′ of water in the urn. Here’s the watering can that I was using in the video. The urn (cup, tank or vase) gets thoroughly flushed out. bromeliad leaf tips curling inwards? This is the core of the bromeliad & is how the plant stores water in nature. Not sure if I overwatered or the couple of really hot days we had did it in. Mineral build up on the leaves comes from watering with tap water. One issue is that if the plants have been outside I am banned from bringing them in house in case bugs are in pots. For most bromeliads the flowers don’t provide the primary show, but the colorful bracts or modified leaves that accompany the flowers add to the display. I am only watering once a week & just keeping the cup full. In the case of bromeliads, if the leaves are turning brown and/or drooping, it’s because the mother plant is dying. How to Cut Away Bad Leaves on a Bromeliad. What do I have to do to restore that red flower? Your bromelia is reproducing. Also, I live in central Texas where it is sunny and humid. It has done well until appx 7-10 days ago. Bromeliad leaves are curling or have brown tips. They have a particular way that they like to be watered which you can read here. Never use garden dirt or top soil in a pot meant for bromeliads. The two most likely accidental exposures occur when mounting an epiphytic bromeliad. Bromeliads are easy to care for, which makes them ideal indoor plants especially to new growers. It cleans them off, thoroughly flushes the cup out & they love it. If the vase stays full, the plant might rot out. Pot the pup in a small container with the appropriate planting mix and provide it with somewhat less light while it forms a root system. To avoid this problem, allow the potting medium to dry before further watering. If you have low light & cooler temps, you’ll want to keep the tank dry or almost dry. My is going browny black from tips of leaves down it looks bad like dieing what is wrong please i have it in my bathroom in the bath which is filtered light, i dont want to lose it was present from husband. There 57 different genera of bromeliads. Pups will, with good care, usually bloom about two years after being separated. After a bromeliad has bloomed, it will never bloom again, though the green leaves can hold on for some time. Thanks for helpful info. Whst am i doing wrong? The wide leaves are sword shaped or scoop-like and grow around a central “cup.” This cup catches water in the plant’s habitat. How big will the plant get? … It is a good indicator that a bromeliad is not receiving enough water. Hope that helps! DH. During this three week time watch closely for insect infestations. Generally they are sold in bloom. In the warmer months, I keep it about 1/4 of the way full. Any time you purchase a new plant you should keep it quarantined from other plants for three weeks. I do have a Pup but it’s almost as tall as the original plant. I haven’t watered it fir about 2 weeks the soil was partly dry ..what am I doing wrong. ... there are finished ecosystems contained interior the cup shaped by potential of bromeliad leaved. I re-potted it about a week after I got it. […], […] How I Water My Bromeliads Plants Indoors […], Your email address will not be published. A friend thinned out her potted bromeliads and shared them with me (don’t know what kind but they’re common to Central Texas). Natalie – I grow mine in a mix of orchid bark & succulent & cactus mix. You can find more houseplant info in my simple and easy to digest houseplant care guide: Keep Your Houseplants Alive. The ideal temperature for these plants is between 57 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the pup grow up to a 3rd of the main plant size then cut it off (separating the roots) and replant it. Is this normal? You may have to use distilled water or rainwater. Curling or brown tips on the leaves are commonly caused by underwatering. Hi Connie – You might have a Vriesea. Bromeliads have few pest problems especially when grown in the home. This is a problem that occurs in bromeliads with leaves that form a tank where water is stored. It may also carry disease, fungus and pests that will damage a bromeliad. Speaking of rainwater, when the monsoon season arrives here in Tucson, I put my bromeliads out to get a nice dose of rainwater. Seems to be recovering. I am also pretty new to the bromeliad world. In many types of bromeliads, the thick, broad leaves form funnel-shaped rosettes called tanks, which hold water. My plants have all gone white is this from frost. I’m new to bromeliads. Please help. It sounds like the mother plant is dying. So if they aren’t yet looking like they might bloom, don’t lose hope! Even though these pineapple relatives are native to the tropics and subtropics, they tolerate dry air and growing mix just fine. Should I repot with moss? Water in the tank should be regularly flushed to avoid the build up of salts. It sounds as though your bromeliad has finished blooming and is now entering the natural process of dying. You can use them as accents to other flowering plants in a grouping. Most bromeliad’s roots act more like an anchor than the main source for taking up water and nutrients. Bromeliad care is fairly straightforward. I run water through the planting medium, whether it be moss or bark, & let it all run out the drain holes. It is true that many bromeliads like humidity, but they do not like their feet wet. Your email address will not be published. I discovered the dying flower will NEVER come back although, here is a trick ~ without damage to the plant. Submit your photo to be featured on the blog! I’ll be separating them soon to see what happens. Thanks. Should I cut the brown/red leaf out? I do not see any signs of bugs. This is usually a good indicator that your bromeliad is too dry. Hard water can leave deposits both on the leaves near the base of the plant and in its central tank. Can the mother plant still put out pups or is this plant a goner. Now that red color has disappeared and the top of the plant is green. If you are a beginner, do not be intimidated by these potential mistakes. How often would you water the urn given those conditions? These are pups that i hAve plantEd. Bromeliads are very sensitive to copper and exposure can cause damage and even the death of the plant. I’m tickled pink to have you here! That was the bloom, it will put out pups. Nell. Please help! Some varieties have almost white leaves, others pale green, and the leaves tend to be curled, barbed, and flexible rather than rigid. They are so far away from their original habitat that natural predators don’t pose much threat. Here you can see how much water I have in the urn of my neoregelia. I Bought my bromiliad in Naples, FL. It sounds like the mother plant is dying. Remove the dying bloom and add an inexpensive orchid silk flower(s) or fake (like) bloom. The label “prayer plant” covers several species of foliage houseplants, including Maranta and Calathea. The soil is dry & in the original pot/soil mxture. If yours is similar to mine then my guess is that the plant will flower again in about 3 years. It gets lots of indirect light. It is important to make sure you can properly care for that specific type of bromeliad before you invest in the plant. I planted them in a bark type potting mixture. I thought these were Great information on watering techniques thankyou! These deposits can damage the leaves and make them more susceptible to disease. Mealybugs also cause yellow or white spots on the foliage and a sticky substance on the plant or nearby furniture. Does it like humidity or dry climates? (During the hottest months of year, it’s best to soak your plants overnight once a week or every other week.) I water my bromeliad essentially the same. Required fields are marked *. Make sure you know what kind of bromeliad you have and how to best care for it. 02/20/2018. If you’re new to the world of houseplant gardening be sure to give 1 a go and you’ll be hooked on them in no time. These … MY AECHMEA fasciata has a tiny pup on it… not really a pup yet.. its a bump really… but its been this way for a long time… it wont grow… still just a bump help!!! I also think it’s important to let newbies to bromeliads know that the plant only blooms once, but it will have a baby that will eventually flower. This usually occurs before the browning stage. Types that don’t hold water are called xerophytic or atmospheric bromeliads. It’s part of the lifecycle of a bromeliad – the mother plant dies out and the pups (a term used for babies in the plant world) carry on. Johnson, Carol. In the case of the above, simply misting or spraying the tank & the leaves will probably be enough. Thanks for this information. If leaf edges begin to curl up, your plant is drying out. Learn how to care for your Hechtia bromeliad with this quick and easy informational guide. These “bumpy” cells have tiny hairs that catch water as it drops. That water is stagnant after all. There is a great deal of information on the web about these plants. Hi Connie – You might have a Vriesea. I have a larger watering can & a smaller 1 but this is a nice in-between size. A small pot between four and six inches will be large enough to hold most bromeliads. Hi Nell. Should the flower be left on? this is somewhat contrary to what your website says – not to water the soil often at all – let it be dry as water is retained inches down. It came back to MN and I had it outdoors starting the end of May. You don’t want it to rot out. Should I expect them to revive or are they goners? Ask the Expert: Brown Leaves I got a Bromeliad ~ 1 month ago for my birthday. Oh, I love to create so you’ll find a bit of that in the mix along with lots of videos too. Cleaned off the leaves and cut off some of the bad ends etc. Watering Potted or Garden Bromeliads Collect rainwater to water your bromeliad plant, if possible. These young plants can be separated from the original plant when they are about one-third its size. Will it eventually fall off and another one will grow? Underwatering? Copper can also be found in some fungicides. Should I grow my red/orange Bromeload in full sun? This is the last stage of its life. Many bromeliads also develop beautiful flowering stalks. Others have silvery-gray scales covering the leaves. It has broad leathery leaves. Use a regular old scissors—no gardening tool required. This post may contain affiliate links. They only blossom one time in the life cycle. Them on one of my smaller ones (a pup), some of the leaves look bad…like they need to be pruned off. The red ones are okay. These bromeliad potting mixes can be found at garden centers and nurseries. Hi Kimberly, Not sure what you mean — what part was cut? Bromeliads that produce attractive flowers are often purchased in bloom. Soaking overnight will remedy this. It's a Vriesea Hieroglyphica bromeliad. The tank provides the plant with much of the moisture and nutrients it needs. The bottom leaves have started curling. My bromeliad has become brown on the tips of the leaves. Water resistant glue is a good alternative to wire for mounting. Love bromeliads! The flower spikes are exotic and beautiful and usually stay attractive for an extended period of time. It contains a low level of nutrition which is perfect for Bromeliads. Thanks. Mist the plant regularly to increase humidity. I was very excited when two of the four pups showed a red leaf, thinking the flower would come soon. Nell And, how long does it usually take for the pup to flower? The top from the roots? If the plant remains pest free at the end of the trial period, you can safely place it with your plant collection without fear of introducing new pests. Never use garden dirt or top soil in a pot meant for bromeliads. Am I overwatering? You just spray the feed over the leaves of the bromeliad. It is in indirect sunlight. It seemed to be unhappy with the hot sun and some very unusual Hot, very windy, days. Are you allowing it to dry out a bit between waterings? Its outside facing sun but in a pot on balcony. I had a plant for over 20 years. Sherri, thanks for info on the curling leaves. They will not thrive and grow in consistent drought, but they are less likely to die of drought than rotting. Tank bromeliads have leaves that form a reservoir to hold water at their bases, with the largest bromeliads holding up to two gallons of water. It's a guzmania. Soil from the ground will be too dense and retain too much water. After 1-3 flushes, I put a couple of tablespoons of water in the urn – just enough to keep it slightly moist. Nell, […] Bromeliads are a flowering houseplant option whose blooms are colorful & long-lasting. However, the following are a few common mistakes that should be avoided when caring for your bromeliad. While many bromeliads are similar, some have unique adaptations that they have developed to survive in their native habitat. Hope humidity helps. Too much heat can be very bad for your Chinese money plant and it could even be to blame for your curling leaves. I received a bromiliad 2-3 months ago & keep it in my office. I received my Bromeliad as an office gift after being out for surgery. Your email address will not be published. These leaves come in a variety of colors and may be plain, variegated or striped. A fake bird of paradise flower cut to fit the the plant is a nice touch too until your plant produces new “pups”. You want to flush a bromeliad’s tank out because bacteria & mold can build up in there. … I don’t know what to do. 7 Easy Care Floor Plants For Beginning Houseplant Gardeners, A Guide To Watering Indoor Plants | Joy Us Garden, 15 Easy-Care Office Plants for Your Desk | Joy Us Garden, Bromeliad Flowers Losing Color: When & How To Prune Them Off. The most common mistake is overwatering. Do you agree? I am wondering if I waited to late to repot. When I finally got around to them, they looked pretty dehydrated and dried up. An informative site on the bromeliad (Bromeliaceae) family including classification, care requirements, propagation, blooming, diseases and insects, photographs, and product reviews. Some bromeliads grow naturally on forest floors, while others grow clinging to trees and other host surfaces. It’s important to know that after blooming bromeliad plants will never grow or bloom again. The leaves of bromeliads are also coated in small surface cells that are raised like bumps, known as trichomes. Bromeliads are easy to care for both indoors and out. Confusing as it may sound, bromeliad leaves turning brown – even the tips turning brown – can also indicate too much water. The pup can grow with the mother in the same pot and will eventually flower as well, or once the pup is 1/3 the size of the mother plant you can replant the pup in another pot of it’s own. In the winter the frequency is more like every 4-5 weeks & in the summer every 3-4 weeks. Help, My bromeliad has a beautiful pink bloom in middle. Any help would be appreciated. You can keep the vase (center part of the plant) about 1/4 full of water. Propagating a Bromeliad Pup . During the day, the leaves extend outward. Cut off the pups and repot them. FERTILIZER Feeding should only be done in the late spring and summer. However bromeliads can be susceptible to mealybugs, aphids and scale. These do not need to grow very large before flowering, and when they do, the flower stalk can get to 4’ tall. Watering, temperature, air flow, etc? Consider lighting if you find no sign of the flat, oval insects, which can measure from a … Tank bromeliads in a tree. Most bromeliads are very resilient. Bromeliads are susceptible to salts in tap water. It’s meant to do that! Inquiring horticultural minds want to know! It cleans the foliage, & boosts the moisture & humidity factor a hair. I’ve been growing bromeliads for many years, both outdoors and as houseplants. I just inherited a Pink Aechmea bromeliade (my best guess) and was told that it only blooms once every 3 years. Since Bromeliads grow in conditions similar to the ones required for orchids it's best to feed them with orchid food. Any suggestions? whose form and color vary widely among each variety. Can I still separate it and will it bloom whenever it’s suppose to ? Aphids photo credit: Fred Dawson via The pups will bloom in time. If you are just starting out and want a plant that is easy to maintain, most bromeliads will thrive with little maintenance. Avoid using treated wood when choosing a mount for a bromeliad. I have a Bromeliad that has long variegated light & dark green leaves. I’ve grown them in my homes in New York City, San Francisco and now here in Tucson. We planted sveral pups iven to us by a neighbor about 5 years ago and this was the first bloom. Bromeliad leaves typically grow in a spiral formation called a “rosette,” and by tightly overlapping at the base, vriesea leaves form a central reservoir, known as a “tank,”that collects and stores water as well as organic debris. I let the water run over the leaves for 10 seconds or so. I probably should have said I live in Manteca, California. The leaves of a bromeliad tend to curl, lighten & yellow as the mother plant is dying. I leave mine outside all year, but it’s on my covered deck and protected. There are varying opinions regarding watering bromeliads. A Replenish the attractive bromeliad look by trimming the plants as needed. Good to know I’m in line with you. I too have an office Bromliad. i have a bromeliad pup. I accidentally watered the soil directly -did I damage the plant? That was 4 months ago. Now, the leaves are turning brown / yellow starting with the bottom leaves & working its way up. If your plant looks healthy, but a few leaves are curling sideways, I would start by flushing your plant. Now, the red leaf is turning brown on both of the pups. Your cost for the products will be no higher but Joy Us garden receives a small commission. Required fields are marked *. If they are showing signs of problems, they can be easily salvaged with a little troubleshooting. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a30348dfe8dace2d47fffa69faa22991" );document.getElementById("d1e2cf58e4").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Hi, I’m Nell, and this is where I celebrate all things garden and share my passion for plants, flowers and the great outdoors. Now it is sprouting another plant on the side of it. What is this and is a sign of its bloom end? It is usually pressure treated with copper to make it more weather resistant. What could be causing this? How much light does it need? About six months ago, I separated several pups from the main plant (which I threw away, having been told it will not bloom again) and am still waiting for them to flower. You are using your scissors to replicate the natural shape of the healthy leaves. As the young plant grows, repot it into larger containers until it is in about the same size pot in which you bought the original plant. And I’m hoping it’ll work for you too. If it’s flowering, don’t repot it. I tend to use less water so it doesn’t rot. The leaves of a bromeliad in my newly planted vivarium have started to turn yellow. We have a lovely bromeliad for the office – red spike – that is now turning brown – what do you do when the spike turns brown? Temps get down to the low 30s (at night), 40s – 50s (during the day) during the winter. It will then flower and the cycle continues. It is often assumed that because bromeliads are tropical they need a lot of water all of the time. Both mealybugs and excessive light cause houseplant leaves to curl. Keeping it full in these conditions can lead to rot & that build up of bacteria. I have a pretty big “strawberry parfait. Answer appreciated, thanks. They are in my breakfast room that is surrounded in windows. How do you water your bromeliads? […], […] Water Requirements: Bromeliads like a good watering every month. They go into a gradual decline and eventually die. So what I’ve been watching is a pup . The long neck makes it easy to get the water to where you want it to go! Always plant the small pups in a small pot. They did beautifully in my Santa Barbara garden happily growing 7 blocks away from the ocean where they relished the moisture from the coastal fog. Why Are My Bromeliad Flowers Turning Brown? All bromeliads originate from warm climates. I’ve read varying things about if the mother plant dies or not. We had a little mist here so I put it out, though mist almost over.
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