While you do sometimes win by beating down with the Rogues, that’s not the primary game plan. MTG Arena August State of the Game. Azorius Yorion Blink by Carlo Mazzurco – Week of Wings Entry Event Monday Flight 3 (6-0) Standard October 20, 2020. In some games, you need to be beating down with Thieves’ Guild Enforcers; in others, you need to be prioritizing milling them out with Ruin Crab. You can also use Shepherd to pick up an Emeria’s Call you played as a land and cast it as a spell. Mono-Red is a deck that we’ve seen very little of, and for good reason. Green-White Adventures was Card Kingdom’s own NumotTheNummy’s choice for the MPL split this past weekend, and it’s slowly rising in popularity on the Arena ladder. The deck runs a decent number of the various Omens and Oaths, plus Planeswalkers, to get max value from Yorion's ETB. Popular Pioneer Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results. C Tier: Decks that are totally fine, but not notable. Deck Name: UW Yorion Sideboard Creatures [15] 2 Dream Trawler 2 Glasspool Mimic 3 Yorion, Sky Nomad 4 Skyclave Apparition 4 Solemn Simulacrum Instants [12] 1 Sublime Epiphany 2 Glimpse of Freedom 2 Mystical Dispute 3 Negate 4 Essence Scatter: Sorceries [10] 1 Ondu Inversion 1 Sea Gate Restoration 4 Emeria's Call 4 Shatter the Sky Enchantments [10] Standard October 18, … Now it is a lot easier to be a control … While there is some merit to the Shark Typhoon builds, having access to Lurrus does a lot for you in a few match-ups — like Black-Red Kroxa and green-based midrange decks — and gives you a lot of game when you’re flooding out. This gives the deck a natural advantage against Rogues — a deck that can only be effective if opponents have cards in their graveyard. One downside of this deck is that a lot of the spells are mana-intensive, which can lead to some clunky draws. UW Yorion UW Yorion Buy this deck from Card Kingdom Export this deck to Arena via MTGGoldfish. Modern Tron, or Urzatron, is a deck that runs off of the three "Urza" lands (Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Tower) in order to make large amounts of mana. But Standard and Pioneer players are more than willing to rustle up 20 extra cards to play it! You’ll find yourself in lots of spots where you have to keep Yorion back on defense for a turn or two while you get a stranglehold on the game or try to find a Dream Trawler. With Oblivion Ring exile ability of the stack, Felidar Guardian exiles Yorion. Mason Clark is a grinder in every corner of the game who has played at the pro level and on the SCG Tour with Team Nova. For right now, though, I think Abzan Yorion is the better Green-White Yorion deck.This Standard format is very deep, and it’s been very fun to play. LSV’s UW deck is also more inline with Stratsky’s deck than a traditional control deck stock with counterspells and planeswalkers. Check out his podcast, Constructed Criticism, and catch his streams on Twitch. You’re just a small midrange deck in a metagame full of much bigger midrange decks. This archetype has a lot of promise, and while I think the blue cards can be helpful, the added strain on your mana makes this a clunkier version of GW. This leads to incredibly polarizing and easy-to-break-up games. Our last B-tier deck is nothing to sleep on. Expect to see a lot of evolution among these decks, and expect to see a lot of them on the Arena ladder. The average cost of the Pioneer companion decks was $554.16. Gruul can just run this deck over if it doesn’t find some of its early plays like Cobra or Bonecrusher Giant. Rounding out A tier is Lurrus Rogues. It also dodges Skyclave Apparition, which was a card many were expecting to be out in full force last weekend. Nov 14, 2020 #1,831 ... but there are lots of good cards for some pretend format that doesn't exist. All these decks focus on playing high-value cards with “enter the battlefield” effects to grind out value from the opponent. Bant Ramp with Yorion is pushing, or should we say ramping, it’s way to the top in Standard. Green-White Yorion is a deck I was high on last week, but as we approached the weekend, players were able to identify and exploit the deck’s weaknesses. Even with all that in mind, the rest of the decks on this list are fairly soft to Temur Ramp, especially its “unbeatable” draws. You wouldn’t be surprised if a B Tier deck takes down an event, but they have bigger weaknesses or liabilities than the decks in A Tier. Abzan Yorion is already built around maximizing “enter the battlefield” effects — after all, it’s a Yorion deck. Decklist Stats Sample Hand. Kroxa decks use their graveyard as a resource to cast their namesake card and Ox of Agonas as early as possible. Channelfireball is a trusted platform to buy and sell Magic: The Gathering and Pokémon cards online. Check out this deck guide by the one and only LSV. 1 spot after Corey Baumeister went on a five-game win streak with his Four-Color Yorion Fires. While it’s the most consistent Embercleave deck in Standard, it lacks great threats to hold the hardware. There’s a world where this becomes the optimal build, but currently, the risk of not being able to cast your spells is too high. Here are five Yorion decks you’ll likely see on the Arena Standard ladder this week. Standard October 19, 2020. Don’t think of this as a “Bible” necessarily, but if you’re looking for opinions on decks, hopefully we can help inform your choice for this weekend. This week, we have another edition of the tier list article for you! A few decks that you’ll see further down on this list have been S-tier for a weekend, but each has some exploitable weaknesses. Each week, we’ll cover a format and share…, This week's Banned & Restricted announcement has dramatically reshaped Standard. Sometimes, you’re shifting between plans mid-game. Unlike the blue-based Yorion builds, it leans into food synergies, using Gilded Goose and Trail of Crumbs to accelerate your draws and Wicked Wolf to manage your opponent’s board. All those cards are great to flicker with Yorion and allow you to play a much more proactive midrange game. While some of these decks we talked about today contain 80 cards, they lack a lot of high-impact cards. Esper Dance also gets access to Extinction Event — a powerhouse card that few players are really prepared for right now. You do have a big weakness to Ugin, but luckily for Abzan Yorion, that card isn’t seeing widespread play. UW Yorion was the first creature-based Yorion deck to emerge. Unlike Esper Dance, it plays more to the board with cards like Barrin, Tolarian Archmage, Alirios, Enraptured, and Skyclave Apparition. Sadly, Yorion can't be your companion in Commander or Brawl because those formats have fixed deck sizes. Only WotC has access to key data such as play % and win %. Your goal is to run your opponents out of resources using spot removal, Liliana, and Kroxa, then win with any resources you have leftover. However, one of the things holding Rogues back is how difficult it is to play. However, after this past weekend, it seems Yorion is much more manageable than we thought. Now, we’re seeing a decrease in Yorion decks and Dream Trawler. Standard is in an incredible place, and I, for one, am so happy that we can have archetypes as strong as this that are also flexible.Have a Yorion shell you like? This has become one of my favorite decks to play in Standard, and I look forward to refining it. You’re playing a relatively low land count for an 80-card Yorion deck, and you’re still playing three colors, even though the blue splash is small. Updated Mar 23, 2020 by Pabs4444 using our MTG Deck Builder. In games where holding up mana is vital to victory, this gives you a way to do that and punish opponents who are doing the same. Temur Ramp appeared to be lost to time with the banning of Escape to the Wilds, but it returned to form in the last week or so. Plus, it’s an aggressive deck that plays six fetchlands that won’t all the lands to come into play untapped til mid-game at the earliest. It’s less focused on generating value through blink synergies and more concerned with having answers. Tweet at @masoneclark and @card_kingdom and let us know what you would change! You can still go over the top of a lot of decks in the format with game-ending cards like Ugin, Genesis Ultimatum, and Terror of the Peaks. D Tier: Decks with strong elements, but that generally aren’t great choices compared to the rest of the format. If you’re looking for a dark horse deck to play in this weekend’s events, this might be the deck for you. Jean-Emmanuel Depraz played this deck in the MPL split, and while I don’t think it’s perfect, I do like its approach to the format. And a proactive midrange deck is very appealing right now — you can aggro out your bad match-ups and grind a bit when you need to. Things like this allow you to be proactive in the early game and avoid getting punished by the other midrange decks. Most of the top decks in the format also have a decent amount of interaction in the early game, which can make it hard for you to get in early chip shots or build up a board. Now that Pioneer has undergone a reboot, LSV thinks it’s the perfect time to dust off the Dig Through Times – come see if he’s right! For the moment, decks are flooding the board, and the Doom Foretold/Dance of the Manse plan is just not up to par. Line up your spells effectively and you’ll see lots of success. Whether he’s competing in Standard, Historic or Modern, Mason plays with one goal in mind: to be a better player than he was the day before. As Rivals for Ixalan arrives, four…. But a new menace is coming to take over Standard: Yorion, Sky Nomad. Players have also worked on the deck a good amount in the last couple of weeks, and now it has fewer middling enchantments and more powerful cards. This deck has been a player since the most recent ban announcement, thanks to powerful cards like Drown in the Loch, Into the Story, and Lullmage’s Domination. I talked about Esper Dance a good bit in last week’s article, and the deck hasn’t changed much since, so I’ll keep this brief. A lot of the time, the deck will present one “real” threat with Embercleave, and if you answer that, it becomes very easy to manage afterward. Magic: the Gathering MTG There are no S-tier decks at time of writing. In the past week, we’ve seen the rise of Black-Green Adventures, Black-Red Kroxa, and Mono-Green Stompy. Reset. Add To Wishlist Restock Notice Gatherer & Rulings Reset. Niv to Light Yorion had the highest price at $812.95. Steps to winning with UW Control in Pioneer: Counter, Kill, Win. Not anything to lose sleep over, but something you’ll need to be aware of while playing. This is partly due to a lack of good targets for Transmogify or Lukka. If you read my last article, you may remember that I was very low on Esper Dance in a Yorion-focused metagame. In questo video la quarta e la quinta partita contro UW Devotion e … Since Omnath’s ban, five or six different decks have become top dog, only to be dethroned a few days later. Our last deck in C tier, Jeskai Polymorph hasn’t really taken off despite a great first showing from Will Pulliam. Tweet at @masoneclark and @card_kingdom and let us know what’s going on! Pioneer league UW Yorion 後2-1 WGヘリオッド(Lurrus) 後2-0 Grストンピィ 先2-0 BG鱗(Lurrus) 先0-2 Rwアグロ(Lurrus) 後2-0 Grストンピィ(Obosh) 世は大相棒時代。 相棒がマジで板。ヨーリオン強すぎて目ン玉飛び出た。 Previous iterations of this deck could use Agent of Treachery to steal permanents and swing wins, but the current plan relies too much on answers that don’t always line up. While it isn’t a deal breaker, this sort of tension may not be worth the payoff, especially in the current metagame. Everyone was expecting a lot of Yorion decks, which have a hard time answering shark tokens outside of Glass Casket, and it also solved Rogues’ Dream Trawler problem. These decks are knocking on the door of S Tier, but they may have a small weakness that keeps them out of the upper echelon. You can win games with Mono-Red in this format, but it might be the hardest red deck to play that we’ve seen in the last year or two. B Tier: Good, solid decks. Well, do I have the deck for you! We covered and talked about a lot of decks today — hopefully, this gave you some insight into the metagame ahead of the Arena Open this weekend.Do you have any feedback on the tier list? Rogues’ counterspells can be very tricky for the Temur player to overcome, especially if Rogues has a more aggressive draw with its one-drops. Before we dive into the list, here’s a quick refresher on the Tier List grading criteria: S Tier: Decks that are above the rest. Standard has had a lot of churn these past few weeks. If people continue to work on Gruul and solve its mana problems, it might become the coveted S-tier deck of the format. Standard June 6, 2020. Yorion has quickly become a fan favourite in players, resulting in many interesting decklists. Lurrus Burn Pioneer Deck and Sideboard Guide That’s where our latest Arena Ladder Tier List comes in! This deck is very fun, and if you have the wildcards, you should at least give it a couple games to fully appreciate all the value. This deck is very good at running the opponent out of resources, and that should be your primary game plan while playing this deck. All these different Yorion decks have strengths and weaknesses, but one thing is for sure: Yorion will be a player in Standard for weeks to come. I’ve included this deck in B tier this week because it has some problems with interaction and fast clocks. Pioneer su MTGO onestamente mi sembra tornato molto interessante, vediamo se piace anche a voi il formato. Gruul has a proactive game plan with strong cards on rate — the only thing really holding it back is the mana. One of the biggest problems with the deck is ending the game. There are a few different ways to build Rogues, and personally, I think the Lurrus builds are the strongest. Finally, it makes your deck more focused; winning with damage, rather than milling with Crab, is the main goal here. Modern: Yorion UW Taxes - ExtraLife: FluffyWolf: 11/9/2020 Esper Doom: THEKEONIMTG: 11/9/2020 Jeskai Dance of the Manse: MTGDomain: 11/3/2020 Catpile: Evaros_TTV: 11/2/2020 Yorion, the Sky Noodle: WaffleStar: 10/31/2020 Esper Blink: AliasV This deck still has problems, but players have been hard at work to fix them and the trends in the metagame have really helped its spot on the Tier list. (80 cards, 25 distinct) - Fabled Passage, Rest in Peace, Castle Locthwain, Charming Prince, Fatal Push, Elspeth Conquers Death, Mazemind Tome Keep in mind this isn't the actual metagame, but the "winners metagame". One of the more powerful and neat interactions in this deck is using Shepherd of the Flock to generate card advantage. These decks aren’t exactly tearing up the tournament or ladder scene, but you should expect to face them every now and then. One such decklist is a sweet 80 card Inverter of Truth from the recent Lotus Box Pioneer tournament. UW Yorion – Luis Scott-Vargas. Since Superfriends decklists had a wide array of costs, I use two of them as part of the five overall deck choices. BO1 Esper Yorion Control by CovertGoBlue – #69 Mythic – May 2020 Season. For more info you can check the Banned and Restricted Cards on wizards site. If you’re playing this deck, pray you don’t see Yorion — which might be a fair bet given how much hate that deck is seeing right now. GW Yorion is a deck that was popularized by Bryan Gottlieb and Ondrej Strasky. Mason Clark is a grinder in every corner of the game who has played at the pro level and on the SCG Tour with Team Nova. MariGrinder (2nd Place) Pioneer Challenge #12216054 on 10/11/2020 . Since then, the deck has overgone some drastic changes — the newer builds are much more controlling and less focused on blinking permanents. 5 Fun Partner Combinations in Commander Legends, 5 New Historic Decks with Kaladesh Remastered, Commander Legends Upgrade Guide: Reap the Tides, Commander Legends Upgrade Guide: Arm for Battle, Export this deck to Arena via MTGGoldfish, Standard Ladder Tier List: Zendikar Rising Week One, Historic Ladder Tier List: September 3, 2020. How about a brew that crushes Yorion decks? Blue-White Yorion is another deck that I was low on in my last article. However, I'll be showing off the Super PTQ winning Yorion white weenie deck. BO1 Esper Yorion Control by PailOfAwesome – The Arena Open – Day 1 – 7-0 Record. CMC: Five (2 hybrid UW… You also play Llanowar Visionary to help smooth out draws and accelerate toward your Yorion turns (or just cast multiple spells in a turn). The best option at the moment is Dream Trawler — a strong card that can win lots of games, but that can’t generate nearly as much value as Yorion. Gruul has powerful creatures that demand answers, as well as one of the best cards in Standard — Embercleave. Yorion then exiles Felidar Guardian and Oblivion Ring again. While it does have a challenging Kroxa match-up, the deck has real game against just about everything else in the format. Official blog for Card Kingdom, delivering Magic: The Gathering cards and supplies from Seattle to the world since 1999. 1129 decklists and 54 events since ZNR released (31 Prelim, 23 Premier). Control will always been a thing. Whether he’s competing in Standard, Historic or Modern, Mason plays with one goal in mind: to be a better player than he was the day before. View mightymoose0122's inventory, tradelist, wishlist and public decks on deckbox.org Show decks … I also mentioned that Esper Dance would be a strong choice if fewer decks were flooding the board, and the metagame is certainly trending that way now. If you’re flooding out and you have to Shepherds and an Edgewall Innkeeper, you can keep returning Shepherds to your hand and drawing a lot of cards. Golgari Adventures has some really powerful cards, but lacks a real way to take over the game or thwart the opponent from doing as much.