The vulnerability of Indo-Pacific mangrove forests to sea-level rise. Pil, M. W., M. R. T. Boeger, V. C. Muschner, M. R. Pie, A. Ostrensky & W. A. Boeger, 2011. Project facilitates the natural reseeding of mangrove forests (Florida). Saintilan, N., K. Rogers & K. L. McKee, 2009. Samson, M. S. & R. N. Rollon, 2008. In both examples, mangrove planting was a secondary concern; instead, these schemes focused on hydrologic restoration methods (Lewis, 2009; Lewis & Brown, 2014; Lewis et al., 2017) using the Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (EMR) model first outlined by Lewis (2005) and later modified as a Community Based Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (CBEMR) model by Brown et al. Mangroves thus have superpowers: They help remove carbon while mitigating the effects of sea level rise. 8, 25 OCTOBER 2018 1525 *For correspondence. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3300-6. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3299-8. (2014a, b) and Lewis & Brown (2014). Mangroves are also expected to decline along riverine systems as a result of reduced sediment supplies, increased salinities, and higher sea levels (Alongi, 2015), as have already been observed in many mangrove systems (e.g., Lovelock et al., 2015; Woodroffe et al., 2016; Meeder et al., 2017). doi:10.1111/rec.12492. A mass balance shows that mangroves rely on soil ammonification, nitrification, and dissimilatory reduction to ammonium for available nitrogen. Rodriguez, W., I. C. Feller & K. C. Cavanaugh, 2016. The main objective of this research was to study the effect of salinity on seed germination of selected mangrove species and the application of a hydrotime model to explain the relationship between water potential of the medium and rate of seed germination. The aim of this article is first to describe the MMM4 conference that was held in 2016 and its focus, and then to assess the true state of the world’s mangroves early in the 21st century, including some of the potentially positive messages discussed during MMM4. Brown, B., W. Yuniati, R. Ahmad & I. Soulsby, 2014a. Proc Nat Acad Sci 106: 7357–7360. Guo, H., C. Weaver, S. P. Charles, A. Whitt, S. Dastidar, P. D’Odorico, J. D. Fuentes, J. S. Kominoski, A. R. Armitage & S. C. Pennings, 2017. They are also a lifeline for the world, sucking carbon out of the atmosphere and storing it … The term ‘mangrove’ also applies to thickets and forests of such plants. For mangroves in the Indo-Pacific, Lovelock et al. In Perillo, G. M. E., E. Wolanski, D. R. Cahoon & M. M. Brinson (eds), Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach, 2nd ed. Ambio 37: 234–240. 110, NO. In Florida, rare severe freeze events have led to large-scale contractions of the mangrove range edge and killed mangroves as far south as the Everglades (Bidlingmayer & McCoy, 1978; Wade et al., 1980). Ecology and Evolution 6: 5087–5092. Marine and Freshwater Research. Correspondence to However, rice is the main driver of mangrove loss in Myanmar (88%) due to national-level plans for food security and food redistribution (Richards & Friess, 2016). But new research suggests sea levels may rise faster than mangroves can adapt. 7 M angroves are salt-tolerant, woody plants that form low-diversity forests with complex food webs and ecosys-tem dynamics (Macnae 1968, Tomlinson 1986). Ecoengineering with ecohydrology: successes and failures in estuarine restoration. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 143–151. Ball, M. C., 1988. Firstly, mangroves may respond to sea-level rise in at least three ways: by submerging, by building vertically, and if vertical building is sufficient and corridors exist, by migrating into adjacent wetlands (Krauss et al., 2014). However, in an analysis of historical aerial photographs and recent satellite imagery of the coastal marshes near the range edge of mangroves in northeast Florida from 1942 to 2014, Rodriguez et al. Langston, A. K., D. A. Kaplan & C. Angelini, 2017. Current Climate Change Report 1: 30–39. Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of mangrove forests. Global Change Biology 14: 971–984. Modeling trophic flows in the wettest mangroves of the world: the case of Bahía Málaga in the Colombian Pacific coast. et al. Comeaux, R. S., M. A. Allison & T. S. Bianchi, 2012. View Article Google Scholar 12. Much opportunity exists in the natural resource community to facilitate mangrove habitat protection and rehabilitation through various techniques (Begam et al., 2017; Donnelly et al., 2017; Sharma et al., 2017), at potentially even larger scales. A global-scale quantitative assessment of the proximate drivers of mangrove deforestation has only recently been produced (Thomas et al., 2017), and a qualitative survey of 10 mangrove experts by UNEP (2014) suggested that aquaculture is still one of the largest threats to mangroves globally, though other drivers such as overexploitation, pollution and coastal development are also important. The distribution of mangroves stretches north to Cedar Key on the Gulf Coast and Ponce de Leon Inlet on the Atlantic Coast, both at … mangroves were lost from 1980 to 2000 (MA, 2005), and the forests have been declining at a faster rate than inland tropical forests and coral reefs (Duke et al., 2007). UNEP. Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation—A Field Manual for Practitioners. Chemical changes in detrital matter upon digestive processes in a sesarmid crab feeding on mangrove leaf litter. Wade, D., J. Ewel & R. Hofstetter, 1980. (2017) hypothesized that declines will occur in habitat availability for fauna requiring open vegetation structure, as well as in the recreational and cultural activities associated with this fauna. The morphology and development of tropical coastal wetlands. Hydrobiologia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111: 723–727. Cavanaugh, K. C., J. D. Parker, S. Cook-Patton, I. C. Feller, A. Williams & J. R. Kellner, 2015. Mar 10, 2020. What are the ecosystem service implications of mangrove encroachment into salt marshes? Ecological Applications 7: 770–801. Meynecke, J. Pawlik, H. M. Penrose, A. Sasekumar & P. J. Somerfield, 2008. In Puerto Rico, mangrove area has successively decreased and increased since the 1800s, but has expanded since 1972 as legal protections were given to mangroves (Martinuzzi et al., 2009). Hydrobiologia. More information: Cheryl L. Doughty et al. Saintilan et al. Predation restricts black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) colonization at its northern range limit along Florida’s Gulf Coast. Tomlinson.' Rey, J. R., D. B. Carlson & R. E. Brockmeyer Jr., 2012. Yayasan Akar Rumput Laut (YARL) and the Mangrove Action Project. Annual Review of Marine Science 2: 395–416. 5).Asia encompasses the largest land area of mangroves and the U.S. has been the focus of many decades of published research on mangrove … Article (2016) determined that mangroves have both expanded and contracted over the past 70 years, resulting in recurrent shifts from saltmarsh to mangrove and back again multiple times. Conference attendees presented original research on mangrove and associated ecosystems covering all elements of the system from the top of the canopy to the bottom of the sea, including the flora, fauna, biogeochemical cycles, climate change, human impacts, economics, and management. Threats to mangroves from climate change and adaptation options: a review. Mangrove sedimentation and response to relative sea-level rise. The role of surface elevation in the rehabilitation of abandoned aquaculture ponds to mangrove forests, Sulawesi, Indonesia. His research group is also looking into drivers of mangrove loss around the world. United Nations Environment Programme. Between 2000 and 2012, aquaculture was still the dominant driver of mangrove loss in the region (30%), although other agricultural commodities such as rice (22%) and oil palm (16%) were also substantial drivers (Richards & Friess, 2016). Primavera, J. H. & J. M. Esteban, 2008. Osland, M. J., N. Enwright, R. H. Day & T. W. Doyle, 2013. Mangrove rehabilitation dynamics and soil organic carbon change as a result of full hydraulic restoration and re-grading of a previously intensively managed shrimp pond. Google Scholar. Mangroves, seagrass meadows, and salt marshes, collectively termed “Blue Forests,” are counted among the most valuable and productive coastal ecosystems on the planet. Rhizophora stylosa prop roots even when damaged prevent wood-boring teredinids from toppling the trees. Rogers, K., L. Lymburner, R. Salum, B. P. Brooke & C. D. Woodroffe, 2017. Transgression or loss among coastal wetlands with sea-level rise and fall has been described in numerous studies (Woodroffe & Davies, 2009; Meeder et al., 2017). (2015) reported that 69% of their sites were not building surface elevations at rates that equaled or exceeded sea-level rise. (2017) and Oh et al. Sea level and global ice volumes from the last glacial maximum to the Holocene. Mazumder, D. & N. Saintilan, 2003. Lovelock, C. E., I. C. Feller, R. Reef, S. Hickey & M. C. Ball, 2017b. Mangrove species are uniquely adapted to tropical and subtropical coasts, and although relatively low in number of species, mangrove forests provide at least US $1.6 billion each year in ecosystem services and support coastal livelihoods worldwide. In addition to all of the important ecological functions, this new research shows that mangroves are one of the largest natural sources of alkalinity to tropical coastal oceans. Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: using structural gradients to investigate the effects of woody plant encroachment on plant-soil interactions and ecosystem carbon pools. Mangrove Action Project Indonesia, Blue Forests, Canadian International Development Agency, and OXFAM. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 2.3 Why monitor shoreline mangroves – the importance of MangroveWatch Mangroves provide important goods and services to coastal environments that support and protect local economies, and social, cultural and heritage values of coastal communities. Palacios, M. L. & J. R. Cantera, 2017. However, the rate of spread varied significantly among the five inlets to the IRL as a function of hydrodynamics, habitat distributions, and species-specific traits (Hamilton et al., 2017). Strong bottlenecks and fine-scale genetic structure in mangrove populations of the Cameroon Estuary complex. Research on mangroves has yielded many insights into their ecological 1. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00108.1. Both mangroves and saltmarshes are foundational habitats that are independently valued for their contributions to coastal productivity, buffering capacity, and carbon storage (e.g., Mazumder & Saintilan, 2003; McKee & Rooth, 2008; Nagelkerken et al., 2008; Feller et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2014). Ecology 98: 762–772. Elsevier, Amsterdam: 787–800. Woodroffe, C. D., K. Rogers, K. L. McKee, C. E. Lovelock, I. Growth performance and structure of a mangrove afforestation project on a former seagrass bed, Mindanao Island, Philippines. Researchers say corals have … Brown, B., R. Fadilla, Y. Nurdin, I. Soulsby & R. Ahmad, 2014b. Sixteen of the sam-pling plots were located in natural mangroves and four plots were laid in plantation area considering species composition, density and environmental conditions. Relative sea-level rise could be the greatest threat to mangroves (Gilman et al., 2008). Such sea-level-rise induced expansion has also been documented along the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico, southeast Australia, and the Pacific coast of Mexico (Rogers et al., 2006; Saintilan et al., 2009; López-Medellín et al., 2011). 21, pp. Nature 526: 559–563. The cycling of essential nutrients is central to mangrove productivity. Impacts of mangrove encroachment and mosquito impoundment management on coastal protection services. Distribution and drivers of global mangrove forest change, 1996-2010. A. Mendelssohn & N. Saintilan, 2016. Sandoval-Castro, E., R. Muniz-Salazar, L. M. Enriquez-Paredes, R. Riosmena-Rodriguez, R. S. Dodd, C. Tovilla-Hernandez & M. C. Arredondo-Garcia, 2012. Aquatic Botany 104: 55–59. Google Scholar. Hydrobiologia. Yando, E. S., M. J. Osland, J. M. Willis, R. H. Day, K. W. Krauss & M. W. Hester, 2016. Seventy years of continuous encroachment substantially increases ‘blue carbon’ capacity as mangroves replace intertidal saltmarshes. 115, NO. Krauss, K. W., D. R. Cahoon, J. Five Steps to Successful Ecological Restoration of Mangroves. Global Change Biology 21: 1928–1938. Rising seas will drown mangrove forests. Effects of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) expansion on salt marsh nekton assemblages before and after a flood. Lovelock, C. E., R. Reef & M. C. Ball, 2017a. Fulltext Access 15 Pages 2019. We undertook a systematic review to examine the influence of LULCC on mangrove carbon stocks and soil greenhouse gas (GHG) effluxes. Concerted mangrove research and rehabilitation efforts over the last several decades have prompted a better understanding of the important ecosystem attributes worthy of protection and a better conservation ethic toward mangrove wetlands globally. (2017) found that propagules and seedlings experienced mild to fatal herbivory, which suggested that biotic interaction may also play an important role in the ability of mangroves to expand into saltmarshes. In Perillo, G. M. E., E. Wolanski, D. R. Cahoon & M. M. Brinson (eds), Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach. Sun & M. Sambridge, 2014. The state of the world’s mangroves in the 21st century under climate change. Note. Hydrobiologia. Jamaica is such a beautiful country, but garbage seems to be plaguing almost all neighbourhoods. Mangroves were also considered to be losing 1–3% of their area globally per year, with substantial regional variation (FAO, 2007). Wetlands (Australia) 21: 1–15. Mangroves can also provide adaptive defences for sea level rise: They produce and accumulate organic matter, and trap and retain mineral sediment. PubMed Central Secondly, evidence is mounting that climate change is affecting the latitudinal range of mangroves, including recent observations of mangrove expansion at or near their poleward range limits on at least five continents (Saintilan et al., 2014). Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 729–738. & R. R. Lewis, 2006. National aquaculture and agriculture policies drive patterns of mangrove loss, with aquaculture being the main driver of mangrove loss in Indonesia (49%) due to food export policies. Huge efforts are being put into mangrove rehabilitation and creation at landscape scales. Diskin, M. S. & D. L. Smee, 2017. Mangrove expansion and salt marsh decline at mangrove poleward limits. Simpson, L. T., T. Z. Osborne & I. C. Feller, 2016. Integrating physiological threshold experiments with climate modeling to project mangrove species’ range expansion. Hidden founders? Although several studies have documented poleward range expansion by mangroves at their latitudinal limits in response to global warming, more evidence is needed to show whether mangrove forests in the tropics may experience range contraction in response to increasing temperatures and drought. Mangrove Articles. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3151-1. Ellison, J. While such large-scale efforts are generally unsuccessful due to poor species selection, inappropriate choice of rehabilitation locations, and local governance issues (Lewis, 2005; Primavera & Esteban, 2008; Elliott et al., 2016; Kodikara et al., 2017), some efforts are becoming more successful as elements of species biology and hydrological requirements are incorporated into the design and implementation of rehabilitation projects (e.g., Matsui et al., 2010; Oh et al., 2017). An in-depth review on Chinese mangrove research was conducted by Li and Lee (1997). Community based ecological mangrove rehabilitation (CBEMR) in Indonesia. Mangrove … Science 317: 41–42. PubMed Central doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3175-6. PLoS One 4: e5600. The MMM series eventually developed a broader focus, with subsequent meetings held in Australia (2006) and Sri Lanka (2012). Sharma, S., K. Nadaoka, M. Nakaoka, W. H. Uy, R. A. MacKenzie, D. A. Friess & M. D. Fortes, 2017. The impact of climate change on mangrove forests. Saltwater encroachment and prediction of future ecosystem response to the Anthropocene Marine Transgression, Southeast Saline Everglades, Florida. Mangrove dieback during fluctuating sea levels. Overcoming the impact of aquaculture on the coastal zone. Krauss, K. W., A. S. From, T. W. Doyle, T. J. Doyle & M. J. Barry, 2011. Luther D, Greenburg R (2009) Mangroves: a global perspective on the evolution and conservation of their terrestrial vertebrates. Article As a result of decreasingly cold winters and sea-level rise, the distribution of mangroves is expanding northward and landward along this part of the Florida peninsula into coastal wetlands that have historically been dominated by saltmarsh plants. This pattern is contrasted with mangroves from Florida’s west coast where low genetic diversity was caused by the lack of strong ocean currents and limited local propagule dispersal and migration rates, resulting in founder effects (Kennedy et al., 2016). New research shows protective value of mangroves for coastlines. investigated the likely effects of this increasing rate of rise on coastal mangrove forest, a tropical ecosystem of key importance for coastal protection (see the Perspective by Lovelock). Journal of Biogeography 44: 335–347. Global Change Biology. We use cookies to improve your website experience. (2014) showed that a doubling in mangrove abundance in northeastern Florida was closely tied to a decrease in the number of freeze events, but not to changes in sea-level rise, precipitation, or other hypothesized drivers. Kamal, S., J. Warnken, M. Bakhtiyari & S. Y. Lee, 2017. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3369-y. Effects of competition and nutrient enrichment on Avicennia germinans in the salt marsh-mangrove ecotone. Mangrove expansion in the Gulf of Mexico with climate change: Implications for wetland health and resistance to rising sea levels.