We’ll give you a little background knowledge on each of the lock types, how they work, and how to close a pocket knife safely – every single time! This lockup is probably the slowest in this guide to open – and even slower to close. We’re going to look at 6 of the most common pocket knife lockups. But you don’t have to be. Careers / Employment Opportunities This process should work positively towards loosing up the rust. Simply enough, lever locks feature a pin on the handle. This combined with the way the blade is released is a recipe for disaster – if your fingers are in the way. A liner lock works because a spring in the side of the handle (usually titanium) is in the path of the blade and keeps the blade open until the spring is pushed over to the side. As the name suggests, there is a frame of the knife is a lock bar inside the handle of the knife. More importantly, they have the proper equipment for handling the small internal components of pocket knives. You’ll notice that the vinegar gives metal a nice shine. You don’t need to do the same finger gymnastics to reach the release button – and the lockup is extremely strong. With a lot of similarities with the frame ones too. Just remember where all parts go. They’re set with a scale on either side. They have a shorter locking piece and the release switch is near the middle of the handle. As you open the blade, this piece slips under the tang and clicks into place – securing the blade in its open position. Find where the locking mechanism of your knife is. If you’re a pocket knife enthusiast, you may want to check out our guide on best OTF knife under $100 or best budget OTF knife. Reviewed By Jason Rhodes August 27, 2020. You’ll find a level and an indentation just before it on the handle (near the neck of the knife). Equally problematic are locks that don’t engage well. Even the almighty Hinderer is known to have a flipper that doesn’t consistently deploy the knife and engage the lock. This coast pocket knife is a good sharp knife. Knives that use linear locks are usually constructed with a fixed linear piece and a bent... Frame Lock Pocket Knives. FREE Shipping. Something must be there. Originally made and patented by the knifemakers Bill McHenry and Jason Williams, the rights of the mechanism were bought by Benchmade and renamed as Axis Lock. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This lockup is very secure – albeit a little on the slow side – and reliable in pocket knives. Frame locks are another option. If you want to close the knife, you push the clasp until it lifts the post out of the divot. Well done for taking the time to learn the right techniques and tricks! It trumps both linear and frame locks in this regard. Try opening it and closing it to see at which point it gets stuck. In the case… Press it in to release the lock. Make sure your thumb and fingers are well out the way before the blade reaches the assist point. As you push this linear piece past the tang, use your finger to nudge the blade toward its closed position. Pocket knives are getting more complicated and intricate as time goes on. The … We know that even the best knives can sometimes malfunction, but to prevent this from happening, we’d advise ensuring that your knife gets the proper maintenance. The Decepticon series is probably the stand out of the crowd, designed by Alexey Konygin, an up-and-coming creative talent responsible for the original Decepticon back in 2012 that’s now been superseded by a second and third variant. Take a closer look at the knife to inspect it. This type of lockup on a pocket knife uses a gear-like piece with pronounced teeth. 6 Pocket Knife Lockups You Should Learn to Close Safely Linear Lock Pocket Knives. Mid lock pocket knives have an almost identical locking style to the back lock pocket knife. But I am no expert. They have a single lockable blade that allows you to use the knife for many tough tasks. Get familiar with where the lock-release is without having to look at your knife. With a super lightweight frame lock design, the Gerber Ripstop pocket knife provides surprising strength and functionality with an overall length of 5.57. These knives are usually assisted-opening knives and they’re incredibly quick. $24.11 $ 24. Also Read: Best Pocket Knife Sharpeners Reviews And Buying Guide. Also Read: Best Whittling Pocket Knife Reviews And Buying Guide. As you press it, the blade is released and you’ll need to push or flick it manually to its assisted closing point. We’ll deal with the most common one here. Deejo Naked 15g is an ultra-light knife stripped down to the bare essentials. Like most folding knives, models with a liner lock are designed for light to moderate use. The TAC Force … For instance, we have clasp locks. After you’ve done this, you should use a cloth to apply a lubricant to prevent this from happening again, and to get the mechanism moving. Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Deejo Naked 15g. This knife has a good light weight to it. It’s not likely you’ll ever put enough force on the blade to make a lockback fail. Open the blades and run an awl or other pointy object up and down the track where the blade sits when closed. Due to their size, they are often slipjoint blades, meaning they won't lock into place and are prone to failure during extreme use. You’ll we informed and able to move on to more complex locking systems once you’ve nailed these. This type of lockup has quite a few variations and they’re pretty diverse. This piece is never on the locking side and will always be fixed. The knife is a great choice for new knife users, thanks to the built-in safety lock, spring assisted open and ergonomic hand grip. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You need to push the frame back to close the frame lock. To me it is a broken knife and not worth much. Fully submerge your pocket knife in it and let it rest for a couple of hours. Pocket knives are in all cases foldable, and in order to be able to use them properly, once unfolded, they need to be locked in place. One of the most troubling issues with pocket knives is when they get stuck in an open position. Make sure your thumb is out the way before the blade reaches the handle. You can get manual ones though – and you’ll need to use a flick of the wrist or gravity to get the blade moving. Take what you’ve learned here on how to close a pocket knife and get some practice – good luck and enjoy! The frame is bent, resting against the closed blade. So, if you have trouble figuring out how to fix a pocket knife that won’t close, stay with us. If you’re feeling adventurous, use a flick of the wrist or gravity to move the blade. It’s unique because you can lock the blade securely at different angles – depending on how many teeth there are in the gear. Once you unfold your pocket knife, it stays locked in place so that you could use it without the risk of the knife folding while you use it and cutting your fingers. Sarge Knives SK-209MB Single Blade Lock Back Pocket Knife with 3-Inch Stainless Blade and Maple Burl Wood Handle. However, they don’t use the frame as a part of the locking mechanism. All you need now is to spend some time with your knife. An early engagement (closer to the locking liner side) is much safer than “late” engagement (towards the non-locking liner) as force on the blade will naturally move the lock away from the locking side. To release the lock, push the lever with your thumb, which will disengage the lock, allowing the knife blade to … We have hundreds of pocket and lock knives to fit any budget. When you open your knife, the tab plunges in a small divot. From the simple to the complex, we’ll teach you how to handle them and build up the speed you need. Sometimes, as the gear wears or collects dirt, little pieces of sand/grit can make it slip. Old Timer Knives are genuine classics. When folded, the knife measures in at just five-inches and comes complete with a pocket clip, offering multiple attachment options. 8Cr14MoV , stainless steel. So, if you want to play it safe, this is your best option – and they can solve all solvable pocket knives problems. Make sure to dry the whole knife using a warm towel or a cloth, or even a blow-dryer for the internal parts. You need to push the frame back to close the frame lock. However, even the high quality ones tend to sometimes fail. If you want to open the pocket knife, you basically push the lever, thus, engaging the pin. We know there are many more, but we want to get you started down the right path and building up a solid foundation. Spyderco, Inc. 820 Spyderco Way Golden, CO 80403-8053. The pocket clip is tight and sturdy. Don’t try to go fast when you’re learning the mechanics of these lockups. Locking mechanisms are basically designs in the internal parts of the pocket knives to keep them locked in the open position. Knives that use linear locks are usually constructed with a fixed linear piece and a bent (movable) linear piece. It’s quite small at just 5.94″ overall, but … The back-lockup is incredibly sturdy. Why don’t you check our reviews about the best flipper knives under $50 or the best knife makers in 2020. One thing I really like about the knife is that it has an additional lock to lock the blade open. You’ll learn how to close a pocket knife – regardless of the lockup type. To close these knives, push on the thumb-ridge (if there is one) in the same way you would with a linear lockup. Recommended Uses: These are good for light everyday carry when you only use the knife for basic tasks around the house like cutting string or … Regardless of how often you use your pocket knife, it still might malfunction at some point. Pocket knives are some of the best gadgets you can carry around with you. They work the same as a linear lockup. 14:30. If you want to open the pocket knife, you basically push the lever, thus, engaging the pin. These use a small post of strong metal fixed at the top of the handle. You’ll need to slip one finger into the ring (index or middle) and pull on it while you simultaneously push on the blunt side of the blade. Lockback knives are the simplest kind of folding knives. A: Pocket knives run the economic gamut from several hundred dollars apiece for the more elaborate, custom-designed, good pocket knives with hand-carved handles etc to less than $10 for some of the ultra-simple mass-produced folding blades like the TAC Force knife profiled above. The Old Timer knife line, made by the new Schrade, is a selection of pocket knives, lock blades, fixed blade hunters, etc. When you open the knife, the lock bar fits under the tang. Use your thumb (from your hand holding the handle) to push on the linear lock. If needed, use proper tools (usually a screwdriver) to take apart the knife. You’ll find them harder and slower to open, with quite a steep learning curve. Next, apply lubricant all over the unit, or other chemical for metal-care. The Crescent Tradesman 3.5 inch composite handle pocket knife is a great knife for any tool box, it has a lock blade,a belt clip, and a quick open assist on the blade. I have been working with a folding knife be for and it has folded up on my hand so this lock … The price for this one is why it comes in at our budget pick. If this proves ineffective and the debris remains in the locking mechanism, use a needle to carefully pick the debris from the mechanism. The mechanics of opening and closing the blade will be similar to lock back blades. If you need a folding knife that offers near absolute certainty that its lock will not fail, even under abuse, look no further. However, the things around locking mechanisms become complicated due to the fact that different manufacturers provide different techniques. Lockback: A locking bar runs up the spine of the knife’s handle and springs up into a notch in the tang. The opening and closing action on frame locks can be lightning-fast with enough practice. If this is your first time using a lockback pocket knife, you should spend time getting used to the system. I have no idea of its worth, you need to find a collector. The 940-1 addresses the comfort and the ergonomics with an excellent forward choil and the gimping on both the front and the back. Well-lit room – pocket knives can have tiny parts and handling them will require nice visibility, Screwdriver – in case you need to fix something. Thankfully, they’re exceptionally intuitive and it doesn’t take you long to build up jaw-dropping speed. The Boker Strike is a slim and sleek automatic conversion knife with swift push … Custom Knife Factory, or CKF, is a high quality knife outfit from Russia known for some outstanding designs. The next best pocket knife is your opinel carbon steel folding knife. Use your fingers or a flick to start the blade on its way back into the handle. These people are called knife-smiths and they specialize in knife repair. Hold the knife horizontally with the blade on the left and the sharp edge facing up. Use your thumb to press the release button and pull the blade down with your hand. The first Benchmade knife to feature the lock was the 710. The streamlined handle doesn’t add bulk to the slim profile, making it the perfect size for the pocket. We’re going to focus on the lock types and how they’re found on today’s most common pocket knives. Lastly, we have liner locks. The center locking piece rises as you open the blade, clicking down into place as the notch in the tang passes. When you open the blade, a strip of the metal handle lining springs to the center of the knife and engages with the back end of the blade, locking it in place. Frame lock pocket knives are very similar to linear lockups. All in all, if you have trouble finding out how to fix a pocket knife that won’t close, you are probably furious and angry. Pocket knives can come from different brands and they have different types and forms. We have every day carry knives, spring assisted and lock knives of all sizes and styles, you are sure to find your perfect pocket knife at knife … You’ve got a lot of information and guidelines to work with. The main difference is … But there’s more to the AD10 than simply its lock strength. This lever is to be flipped over to unlock the blade. To close the blade, flip open the level again. These are manual knives, meaning you’ll have to manually push the blade out of its locked position. As the name suggests, there is a frame of the knife is a lock bar inside the handle of the knife. Once the blade is out, you need to pull the handle down to its original position to lock the blade in place. KnifeSharpenerGuy.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.ca, 6 Pocket Knife Lockups You Should Learn to Close Safely. They might save you a lot of time and trouble, especially in emergencies. Let’s jump in! Unique blade shape. The main difference is that the second linear locking piece is removed. There are several ways in which you can try fixing it yourself, and if you can’t do it, it is ok to ask for professional help. But, first, let’s go over the basics, so that you can start learning what you need in order to fix a pocket knife that won’t close. These, along with the ring/twist lock styles are the least common in this list. The slightly bent locking piece rests against the closed blade. If OP needs a tough pocket knife on a budget, a frame lock Kershaw would probably do nicely. This pin prevents the blade from closing and it fits into a hole in the handle to stay open. The frame lock models, even those on the lower end of the price spectrum, are inherently tougher and stand up to more abuse. The most common type of locking mechanism -- called the liner, or Walker, lock -- works by pressing diagonally against the tang of the knife when the blade is open. One piece of advice; these lockups often have an assisted closing. It’ll snap the blade into the handle when it gets close enough to the handle. You then press the level down (in its flipped position) to shoot the assisted blade out. CCEU: 2 Ways to Fix Lock-Rock on Frame-Lock & Liner-Lock Knives - Duration: 14:30. Other options New from $21.95. This leads to the pull/twist ring that holds the locking piece in place. We’ve created a guide that will help you assess the problem without any knowledge in knife mechanism repairs. Klein Tools Online Catalog, featuring tools for Professionals. They’re made from two scales and sometimes one linear piece. Also, we have lever locks. 2.894“ 3.7 oz. They can be quite tough to press. To close, press on the bar close to the butt of the handle to pivot it out of the tang. The assisted closing action is swift and snappy, so take care. Making a Liner Lock the Easy Way - Part 1 - Duration: 29:57. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. TAC Force TF-469 Knife. For instance try using a blow dryer to blow away all debris. There’s a single locking piece than runs down the spine of the handle. If you opened the pocket knife apart and you still can’t find the source of the problem, you might need to take it to a professional. Canadian Cutting Edge 1,122 views. If your knife is stuck in the open position, in order to start fixing it, make sure to have these things around: If you want to read more of our articles about outdoor knives have a look at our guide on backpacking knives or our guide about using a butterfly knife. Take some time to get familiar with how much force you need to use. Liner lock. This motion will release the blade and keep your hands out of the way. You can tighten or loosen the blade’s action to your liking – though you’ll need to get comfortable with the lockup first. Boker Strike Series. Also Read: Best Folding Knife Reviews And Buying Guide. Pocket Knives. Handling knives the right way can be incredibly fun and rewarding – but disastrous when done carelessly. Knife-smiths know their way around most of brands and types of knives. The Axis lock of the 940-1 allows it to be easy to use with both your left and right hand. Sit on the table and place the knife on it. After you’ve done this, there are several possible outcomes: If after closer inspection you notice that your pocket knife won’t close due to something being stuck in it (sometimes even debris, sand or lint) you’ll easily repair the issue and have your knife back to normal. To address this problem, take a glass of vinegar and add baking soda to it. Frame locks are another option. As you open the blade, the locking piece catches the gear’s teeth and locks the blade in place. As soon as the frame moves past the locked-in tang, use your finger, gravity, or a flick, to move the blade. Today, Benchmade offers 38 knife models that utilize this special mechanism. We’ve taken a look at some of the most popular lockups on pocket knives. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This takes a fair bit of muscle memory but isn’t too hard to get. Frame lock pocket knives are very similar to linear lockups. You’ll find the gear-like piece at the blade’s pivot. To close a linear lock, hold the pocket knife in your hand as you usually would. When you open the knife, the lock bar fits under the tang. The Axis US patent number is 5,737,841. This gives traction to your pointer finger and the thumb, ensuring that the knife won’t fall out of your hand. The Crescent Tradesman would also be a great tool for the fisherman,or also the camper. CRKT Pilar EDC Folding Pocket Knife: Compact Everyday Carry, Satin Blade with Finger Choil, Thumb Slot Open, Frame Lock Stainless Handle, Reversible Pocket Clip 5311 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,307 $23.25 Like the ship, this knife is stout, reliable, and well-built. Electrician Tools, Pliers, Screwdrivers, Tool Bags, Multimeters, and more. These types of pocket knives are very easy to use once you know how much force you’ll need to release the blade. These lockups have a simple construction – one locking piece with a scale on each side. Phone: 303-279-8383 Toll-Free: 800-525-7770 Fax: 303-278-2229. You’ll find this lockup to be one of the most common and widely used. that are built for use, with saw-cut Delrin handles, brass liners, nickel silver bolsters, and stainless steel blades. Burnley design. Beware of the snappy assisted closing and make sure your fingers are out the way. They’re made up of a center locking piece with a scale on each side. There’s often a thumb-pad (squared teeth) to give you grip. Once you’re confident, work on building up speed and muscle memory. Pocket knives can serve multiple purposes, and they can come in really handy. Start slow and work your way up as your muscle memory. If the liner engages very late it can slide off … It’s replaced by the frame (usually the inner-side frame). 4.9 out of 5 stars 11. Run your finger on the top part of the handle facing you and move it … However, the general rule is that any pocket knife can stop working properly, and won’t close. With all the options available to us, even an enthusiast has trouble getting used to all of them. It boasts a modified Wharncliffe blade that’s excellent for daily cutting tasks, alongside a sturdy stainless steel frame lock handle with a reversible pocket clip. If the mechanism is made from low-quality material and you haven’t used the unit for a longer period of time, it can be possible that it simply got rusty. SOG makes really great pocket clips; Spyderco makes really bad ones. Practice opening and closing the blade without getting your hands in the way to build up safe muscle memory. Portability should be a major focus when looking for a tool to keep on your person in your pockets or bag. If one is right handed, when the knife is cutting edge up, the liner lock would be built into the left side, and will spring towards the right. Just remember to take it out in at least 6 hours, as you might cause additional damage. To close a lockback knife, press on the release tab near the base of the handle. You don’t want to go overboard or you’ll risk losing your grip and letting the knife slip. If you have to wrestle a knife closed, it probably won’t be your EDC for long. Look for pocket clips that sit adjacent to the blade’s tip and let you carry the knife low in your pocket. Once it’s clipped into place behind the blade, you’ll have one of the strongest lockups of any pocket knife. It needs a wrist flick to do that. 11. As you open the blade the frame slips under the tang – locking it in place. You’ll probably have the most secure lockup of the bunch thanks to the shorter locking piece and higher tension hold. The knives can help you in many cases, but the downside is that the blade won’t lock into place, so it can fold while you are doing something with it. My pocket knives have that problem with pocket lint getting inside. Get your thumb out the way quickly. It might be tempting to wrap your finger around the handle – but you should avoid this.