Honey locust uses « on: September 02, 2018, 08:41:34 AM » I dropped the tree and made firewood out of the small branches, but I got 3 decent sized solid logs out of the trunk and was wondering if they were good to mill. In Hungary, Black Locust is the basis of commercial honey production. Honey Locust is rot resistant. Honey Locust Tree Uses Food. Honey Locust is beautiful wood but because it doesnt grow in sufficient numbers and size for logging the wood is scarce. The latewood pores of Coffeetree tend to be in circular clusters, while they are usually arranged in tangential bands in Honey Locust, being connected by confluent parenchyma. The high-density wood is the most rot resistant wood we can grow in our climate, making it an ideal material for fenceposts, hope poles, outdoor furniture, decks, and other projects that require weatherproof materials. Honey Locust: If the tree is in good condition for boards then look up custom cabinet makers and see if they would be interested. Despite the thorns, this tree is beneficial to a lot of wildlife. The seed pods of this tree contain a sweet pulp that is edible, unlike the pods of the black locust tree, which are toxic and should not be consumed. I actually like locust (black and honey). Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Chinese Honeylocust. Wildlife Uses of Honey Locust. Honey locust is a popular deciduous landscaping tree, especially in cities, used for shade and the small leaves don't need to be collected in the fall. It's hard as rocks once dried. The pulp was used as traditional medicine and food by Native Americans and is still used to make tea and in the production of beer. It makes great outdoor furniture. Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), also known as thorny locust or thorn tree, is a medium sized tree with pleasing, graceful foliage. Trying to turn dried locust was not at all fun. Browsing and grazing animals, such as deer, cattle, The leaflets are 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches long, with small widely spaced teeth. Domestic animals such as sheep, goats, and cattle will also forage on the honey locust bean pods. The bean pods are a favorite food of the white-tailed deer, squirrels, rabbits, hogs, opossums, and raccoons. If you are looking to build a fence use it for posts. The leaves are alternate, and both compound and double compound leaves on the same plant. Honey Locust bears a much closer resemblance to Kentucky Coffeetree, which is similar both in color, grain, and anatomy. This article will help with that. It takes a finish really well. Buds are mostly embedded in the branch with only the tips protruding. Honey locust is used extensively by wildlife. White-tailed deer, squirrels, rabbits, opossums, crows, starlings, Bobwhite quail, and raccoons will eat the bean pods and it is a good source of nutrition for them in early fall to winter. Names of Chinese Honeylocust in various languages of the world are also given. List of various diseases cured by Chinese Honeylocust. The mallet dried well and didn't split or check. How Chinese Honeylocust is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. I turned a mallet from fairly green black locust. https://eattheplanet.org/honey-locust-menacing-thorns-protecting-a-sweet-treat I do NOT like working with it though. A little bit of honey locust information is all you need to start growing this tree in your yard.

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